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DH sent me a text

LPS's picture

Sorry I'm grouchy, I'm just sad.....

I sent nothing back, here's what I would like to send: DH why you so sad? Maybe you should take your head out of your ass and wake the fuck up!!! }:)


DaizyDuke's picture

Grouchy and sad because he doesn't have the balls to tell his daughter that she is not allowed to be at her BF house hanging around (or out) in her underwear??? Grouchy or sad that he has to be a PARENT instead of the "cool dad"? Or just grouchy and sad that it's only Wednesday?

LPS's picture

I hope it'll open his eyes and realize I said my peace, I wont change how I feel and he needs to see his daughter for what she is.

LPS's picture

She's extremely slutty and now that DH knows what she doing with the boyfriend, and isn't doing anything about it, maybe he'll start to open his eyes.

LPS's picture

She has one boyfriend and I believe she has a girlfriend too. I know she has "hooked up" with a bunch of guys in the past, to me that means sex. I have heard her on the phone in the past telling boys she'll do anything they want.