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The man is a major DB....

LPS's picture

My DD8 has a really hard test tomorrow, the first day back to school after a 12 day vacation. She was with her BF the last 3 days of school and the beginning of the vacation, he decided not to send the kids to school the last Wednesday before break, knowing full well DD had this test. He never even studied it with her. Now, 7:30 pm the day before she goes back, she tells me about how she missed the test and she has it tomorrow, do you know how much of the material she knows,,,,, NOTHING!!!

I'm so annoyed at my asshole ex husband right now. The man is a major Douche Bag!


knucklehead's picture

While I agree that XH is a DB (I know mine is!!) was he even aware of the test? Sometimes kids "forget" to pass that info along...

LPS's picture

He was aware, she had it in her agenda to study for the test on Monday and Tuesday for test on Wednesday. I sent an email to her teacher, hopefully she'll let her take it a different day, except they start State testing on Tuesday so who knows. I have sat with her for the last 40 minutes and she knows nothing.

LPS's picture

The test was on a wednesday, she got the review sheet on a monday, if he went over any of it with her, she would've known it, he never did.

witsend71's picture

To Knucklehead-She's only 8 (in first post). A third grader doesn't do test prep too well.

To LPS-I'm sorry that your FH doesn't understand the importance of your DD's education. You have every right to be upset. Could you say to him (next time), "She has to have (this assignment) done for (date)...would you please work with her on it?"

Do you share physical custody? If you have physical custody, than you should have a say in whether he can take her out of school. He should only do so if there is a plan to make up all the work. I'd say, "The next time you want DD to skip school, would you make sure there's a plan to make up all the work?"

knucklehead's picture

At 8, how big is a 'big test?' That's like second grade. :? :?

Typically, the student has however many days they missed to do the makeup work, which means the test should be administered tomorrow.

LPS's picture

I have physical custody. He kept them for 3 days, his only "job" was to take them and pick them up from school for 3 days while I was away.

As for DD test, yes, she is 8 and in 3rd grade but our school district teaches above the grade level she is in.

LPS's picture

I emailed the teacher on Monday, thankfully she is making it up today, it's extra stressful since there is State testing this week and next week as well. Turns out DS14 also missed tests in every subject due to not being taken to school, he has State tests today too and also needs to make up 2 tests today as well, poor kid was completely stressed out when he left today.