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I think I figured out the reason for my hostility and anger with SD-she's a THREAT!!!

overit2's picture

OK OK -I know they give us a million reasons to be sick of them...BUT, lately (and of course PMS has set in again so that's always fun!)..the increased anger has been completely out of control. I cannot stop thinking about how much I dislike her, how many wrong things she does, how I wish she didn't exist, how he pisses me off w/not disciplining her....but I go to bed or wake up in the early am and can't go back to sleep because I keep thinking of all this vitriol I want to say and get out. Slowly I'm opening up more. I think he's sensing it and for some idiotic reason I think he's PROVOKING me to wrath by mentioning SD name a dozen times a!!

Before he never did bring her up, only on ocassion, or to gripe, but lately it's ALL THE FRIGGIN TIME!!!

Like last night-first it was about "i'm going to have lunch w/her tomorrow at school -some class star thing she won, at least 'sd'does good in school, fails at all the rest in life it seems but school is good'... Then 'i'm going to ask my guy friend to come see 'sd' game on sat, that its' fun', several random things kept coming up.
Then something bitching about her mom, I was tellign him i wanted to get my kids back in church, that i'm hoping will help their attitudes a bit...he says well yeah 'sd' shoudl to> To which i said, well she needs to go daily, perhaps an exorcism of sorts?

Then several other times---at one point I said "I don't want to talk about kids". I told him I was pms'ing and in a fould mood, he kept fighting back w/me over petty shit-I yelled at him that he never listens to me-2 1/2yrs and i tell him my needs and he ignores me or does the same stuff again...just like he ignores me when i ask him to discipline his kid over and over and he doesn't do it!

He said "well you've been just so mean lately, with your telling me no more wknds together w/the kids-how do you think i feel? " I said, look, I told you what you can do to correct it-you dont' so i'm taking other measures, it's too much for me-I have to take care of myself since you won't. He said, well how do you think I felt when we met and you had two kids?

I said NO, because my kids aren't bullies and mean, and they dont' go to YOUR HOUSE, to be in your safe place, to be fed, given security, a nice family environment for them to turn around and treat you like shit on their shoe-they don't go in yoru home and disrespect you and your kid and treat them horribly!!! I've TRIED all this time, it's HURTFUL, you have no idea how it hurts to have tried to do so much and have it shoved in your face...all i want is for you to demand respect and have MY BACK and put her in her place...this is my home, my kids home, our safe haven. I said-it's not too much to ask!! You just thought we made it this wknd quite ok-you're in DENIAL with a big fat D...DENIAL!! You think it went ok and I feel like i spent the wknd with the seed of CHucky!!!

He quitly said he understood, we stopped talking about it. But, I"m going to make my point damn it!

But then this morning it hit me....the reason i can't stomach to see/hear her or about her. She's a THREAT!!!
She's THE threat to my family, to my sense of peace and safety, to my sons, she's a threat to my relationship with bf...a BIG ONE!

I'm thinking of going my seperate way and been contemplating if this is for me anymore...all because of a rotten child. She's threatening my dreams of marrying him, whereas i wanted to so much now I dont'....she's threatening my boys chance of a father figure in their lives who is wonderful to them, of a companion for life for me, of my happiness, our dreams!!!!

If she didn't exist-or if he did the darn dna test from the getgo....or even now, i would have my happy future with him. Instead she's invading my space, head, energy, and fucking with my future. Her mom's tricks all the time do also-and if bm hadn't lied about paternity...YES I hate bm more-and she poisons sd....and I feel absolutely shaken and unsure about whether I want to be with him now, and I didn't before. And that pisses me off.

I should be mad at him, I get it-but she embodies the threat to my happy future and my sons...and I can't help but feel outrage, and jealousy, and anger and naseous at the sight/thought of her. It's almost like when women go in denial when their husbands cheat and take the anger on the other woman, it's because she embodies the threat to your family and's hard not to target my venom that way-because I feel LOVE for him, and I know he loves me dearly, and because of some other nasty bitches kid being who she is....we're more and more on the verge of going our seperate ways!

She's a threat and the mamma bear in me is out with claws to defend my future, my relationship with him, my sons.
How can a child have so much power?? I'm mad, I"m sad, I want to run away with him and never see her again. I though all these women that felt this way with their skids were irrational, insecure, jealous, bitter...and maybe we are...but somethign made us this way, and i hate feeling this way, it's consuming me and i don't know how to shake it. At least I understand WHY....

She's a threat, and always has been to my plan of happiness with him. I just want to cry!


overit2's picture

And another thing I realized-when I first met him he was quite uninvolved and not the guilty parent-it was only after time with me he becamse more and more like this.

The better his relationship with MY KIDS, the more he tried to be involved in caring for his D -which would be great if he disciplined her bully ass....i think being w/me and the idea of family and raising children made him become MORE its' like being w/us makes them want to be a better more involved parent....but w/out the work or it. So I feel like it's my damn fault i hear about her all the time damn it!

Bio father's picture

I am a father myself and I also agree that only he can change this. He should sit and have a talk with her. I think your relationship with your children had an impact on him and caused him to feel guilty. I think it is a little harsh for you to say you wish she did not exsist. It is his child and he should step up and be there but also balance time between the two of you. I also wanted to ask how is she interfering with your kids life with her father? Is their dad in the picture, just asking

Cocoa's picture

exactly. they are a threat. and he refuses to diffuse this threat. he is the ONLY ONE that can do this. he needs to do whatever it takes to make you feel secure. your anger is starting to turn where it should: on him. yes, things are better but too little (hopefully not too late). he better be turning the tides in a BIG WAY pretty quickly because you will reach the land of no return before he knows it. i hope you can reach him before it's too late. my dh always told me i'm rushing him, it takes time, blah blah blah. i told him things have to change NOW. we don't have time to wait! and he listened (after i packed his bags and kicked him out). he finally got that i was serious and not just mouthing words. good luck to you hon.

skylarksms's picture

I'm sorry that things have taken such a nasty turn for you. And I know that in spite of your love for him, that guilty-daddy crap (which can appear at ANY stage in the skids' lives) is a REAL turn off.

Two things. Has he really HEARD how badly this is affecting your relationship? I mean, I know he knows you are upset, etc. but has it really CLICKED to him that he is on the verge of losing you?

Secondly, I know that all a woman's issues are magnified when we are PMSing. And I know that you mentioned that right off the bat. Is there any chance that your hormones are influencing just exactly how bad things are? I don't know how to say it but you know what I mean. I've had days where I feel like my whole WORLD is coming to an end and the next day (or the day after), everything is better. Maybe not perfect, but not all doom and gloom...?

Bio father's picture

Hi,how are you Ellachan? I am sorry that your husband is the way he is and you have to put up with these issues but at the same time, it's not the childs fault. I am also working on being more of a parent than a friend because in the long run, parents have a lasting impression in the kids life, not friends. If he continues to be more of a friend, she will just walk all over him and won't respect him as much. It's very immature to compete for her love, thats crazy. I think you should sit and have a serious convo with him because I think your resentment is towards him and since he created this off spring, you hate her for things he chooses to do as far as custody battles.

alwaysanxious's picture

overit I have felt the intensity that you have. I hope that you are feeling a bit better by venting. I can tell you that I let a lot of those emotions build and it had really bad effects on my health. I finally started working out and it made a huge huge difference. I focused on me instead of HIM and HIS KIDS.

I became obsessed with thoughts of what might happen, where is this relationship going what is SHE going to do next. I still do it, but I get it under control. I have to work really hard at it.

I hope you can find something that will take your thoughts away from all the nonsense that they have brought in to your life, and I hope you can focus on yourself more.

overit2's picture

SO he was moody all night last night because he knows we won't see eachother this wknd-he's about to leave my house-i was in bed already-he says so i guess i'll see you whenever? Maybe Sat at "SD" game?

WTF!!! First of all you know the problem i'm having w/your darn kid and you want me to take the boys to see her game? Does he remember that she has a dozen people fawning over her yelling praises and that i'm sick of her? DOes he remember that my kids only have ME at their games, and the ONE time my sd went w/him she cheered for the OPPOSITE team of my son (she knew somebody on the team)what a hateful witch...but we should go encourage her at her game? He probably doesn't even remember that-

I said NO -sorry i have plans with my sons Saturday-were going to the amusement park (which had fell flat last time because of him and sd)....

SO he says ok well maybe monday then,i replied maybe sun night?

I said you're mad at me aren't you? He says i tell him to hold on, i handed him a folded article and told him to read it sometime this wknd.

I didn't want to overwhelm him-and i'm sure he'll go by my house today to pickup his razor and i left another article there about 'help my wife has disengaged" - a stepmom explaining it to dads, good article (mostly). Maybe it'll sink in.

I'm not rejecting him, he needs to parent his 'child'. I"m flabergasted he would suggest we go to her game?

At one point he said, went i look at your youngest son he looks just like his dad...i said yeah, well mostly but he also has family resemblance on my side-not to mention his personality is very much from my family, both boys.
I said, look and "SD" looks EXACTLY the mini-me of your ex-wife AND has her exact about that?

Gosh-I can't believe we're doing the 'your kid/my kid sucks' arguments....its so sad....all i wanted was to open a nice home for her eow and create a family of sorts in our own way...instead it's all falling apart-and I"m sure i will be blamed for not just putting up with it. I FRIGGIN HATE what's happening, why would i want to even see her when i blame her for everythign right now?

skylarksms's picture

Hatred oozing from every pore. I have that too...but not towards my skids...towards their sorry excuse of a MOTHER

overit2's picture

I know he'll be pouting because he's missing me, maybe pulling my company and the nookie out this wknd will help his 'lightbulb moment'...i think otherwise we just talk into we're blue in the face and NOTHING comes of it...

I guess i'll find out later if he went to pick up his razor and if he took the article with him...or played dumb lol. He doedsn't like reading...but maybe seeing it in print from SOMEBODY ELSE will help him realize, hey this is a wide spread problem w/other guys (and not be so defensive and take it personally).

Granted the articles all refer to already married situations-BUT here's the thing-I dont' want to get married and have these issues to fix-I want to do it BEFORE we get married to START on a good foot. So many people get married and then this stuff happens or is tackled and it brings all this chaos into the new family. Bottom line I wont marry him until HE fixes it.
We are together enough to work through the issues and fix them before we say "I DO".

We've been together close to 3 yrs...for 2yrs i've been hinting, then talkign, then getting stronger on my opinions and asking him to do something. THIS should drive the point home before it gets bad....the 'guilty daddy' thing has only recently gotten out of hand-but her behavior and his lack of parenting has always been an issue. I kept waiting to see if his rusty skills would improve...but he was so disengaged w/her BE engaged if you want to- but PICK UP THE DISCIPLINE.