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Not Sure what SD did but.....

alieigh21's picture

I'm not sure what SD did but DH is furious. Yesterday I went by the house at lunch and was surprised to hear SD run into her room and close the door. I texted him to ask if he knew she was not in school. He said yes and he was pissed. Later at home he told me she had laid back down and fell back to sleep and didn't wake up until 10:30. He said when he had tried to talk to her she was back to the "I couldn't help it, it's not my fault..."

This morning I get a text from DH "You may not go to Michigan."
Ok, I'll bite "Why would I go to Michigan?"
DH: "Sorry wrong person 'sd' issue"
ME: "Why would 'SD' go to Michigan?"
DH: "Long story I don't have time to go into the details right now. I'll feel you in when I get the time. I'll have plenty to talk about tonight when we go for a walk."

Eventually he texts me again and tells me he's leaning more and more to wanting her to move out after she graduates. I tell him he seems like he is really angry. His response "Mad enough to put everything she owns in garbage bags, put them on the curb and change the locks."

I know she has made me angry enough to want to throw her out but I can't even imagine what she could have done in less than 24 hours to make him this mad.


alieigh21's picture

Cliff notes version of what he just told me.

She missed the bus again today. Told him she might be able to find a ride. Instead of letting her miss school again he turned around and went back to take her to school. On the way there, she decided his lecture was out of line so she jumped out of the car at a stop light and called her mom to come take her to school. She has pulled this jumping out of the car on her mom but NEVER with DH.

He turned her phone off so she can call DH or 911 and said she is grounded until next Sunday (which includes Spring Break).

alieigh21's picture


alieigh21's picture

It's indicative of the lack of respect and an inability to accept responsibility for your actions. "How dare you try to tell me I'm wrong." SD has done this so many times. DH usually gets mad and blames BM. The last time she did it was the first weekend after she had moved in. She thought, incorrectly, that I would be doing her 20 loads of laundry while she slept all day. DH asked me to help because she was overwhelmed and crying. I agreed, thinking I would be keeping her on track. When I realized she had no intention of helping me, I told DH I would not as much as fold a pair of socks as long as she was in bed. When she got up she wanted us to make her breakfast. I told her she could help herself to toast or cereal. She stormed back to her room and got on the phone and called mom to complain about me and my BD. I told DH what was going on he went up to tell her to get busy on her laundry and she started yelling at him.

I went into mom mode. Told her she would not talk to DH, me, or anyone else with disrespect in my house. She tried to talk back and found out I was not kidding. Her mom showed up to get her and she ended up getting out of her car and hitching a ride back to our house.

alieigh21's picture

It's really not that far fetched now. I don't think he will throw her out before graduation. As long as she doesn't loose her credit for attendance she will graduate in 2 months. She says she's moving in with friends after she graduates. We know it's a bad idea but he's leaning more and more towards letting her.

It will all depend on her attitude when she comes back. If I get my way it will be this is the last chance. She can follow the rules 100%, no excuses or complaining or she can move out this weekend.

When BM gets involved it always makes it worse. Victims raise victims.

Anyway there are plenty of trash bags in the garage......

alieigh21's picture

She would not be eligible to receive support. In our state support ends when she turns 19 or when is a legal adult and moves out of both parents home. The only exception is if you have an agreement for education assistance. When we had the support modification done this year DH's attorney recommended we not seek education assistance from BM since they could use that to exert money from him for years. Since she has had attendance issues and is barely graduating the court order she would have a difficult time getting the funds, especially since she forfeited a free education by not maintaining her grades and attending regularly