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Going to try a new direction this summer

briarmommy's picture

We have my ss7 ALL SUMMER, he only goes home for one week in July to bm's because of my husband and his ex's divorce decree. So we are going to have rules. Well to start I put my foot down and my ss7 will be on his adhd medicine this summer, it will be better for him and for me and my bd. I figure with the focus he can get he will be able to spend a little time each day working on school work for the next year, I spent hours online today trying to find the most fun and educational work books and activites to do this summer for about an hour a day. Also the websites I've been looking at suggest 30min of physical activity a day for a kid with adhd so I will get his bike out and he can go with me and my daughter to the park or play in the back yard but it is happening every day. For most of the summer it is just him with me and bd since my husband works 8hrs a day and I stay home, so it has to be somewhat controlled. I've discussed with my husband and we are going to make a chore chart, little chores like setting the table and picking up his toys, maybe even helping me dust the end tables or coffee tables. When he does his chores without bit**ing and does them the way he knows they are supposed to be done he will get a star. Those stars will add up to rewards, like picking what we have for dinner or going to doller tree and picking any toy he wants. I also saw in another womens blog the 25 manners everyone should know by the time they are 9, will my ss7 is almost 8 so I am going to put all those manners on a poster board and show him what is expected manners wise. Maybe make it fun, by incorporating it into his chores, like if I notice him using good manners maybe he will get an extra star, or if he has a day of bad manners he will lose a star. Hopefully this will inspire him to try harder to be polite and nice. I am going to try to be POSITIVE hopefully that will rub of on him to. I need this to work, for me, for my ss7 and for my bd. I need my bd to learn from his examble in a good way. So heres hoping this summer goes better then last summer. Last summer he had no medication and was wild, it was our first time alone together and there was the new baby it was just to much so everyone cross your fingers so everything goes well this summer.


Auteur's picture

Sounds good, but be prepared for backsliding on DH's part. Guilty Daddy is a strong force and if he has any inkling of being SS's "buddy" he'll soon say "these rules were all Briarmommy's idea; SHE'S the bad guy!"

Make sure he will be a united front with you on this. If he for ONE SECOND should do a 180, undermine you, make exceptions and not follow through then you must disengage. SS MUST know that these rules are good for him and they were DAD'S idea and not just Briarmommy's.