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On The "Dreams Of Fame" Topic. . .

thinkthrice's picture

Here are the dreams of fame that the Girhippo has/had for her progeny:

1. That Pumpkinhead (OSS 18.5) would be a rock star (kind of hard to do with no musical talent and looking like a cross between Carrot Top and the Pillsbury Dough Boy) I apologize to Carrot Top and the Pillsbury Dough Boy for insulting them. Currently Pumpkinhead is working part time making smoothies on a food truck that is owned by one of his relatives.

2. That Dominatrix (SD 16.5) will be going off to college on an athletic scholarship. Both Chef and the Girh describe Dom as "athletic" (she's not). Athletic being Swahili for "extremely large for one's age." She's currently in the 10th grade, pulling mostly Fs and reading at between a 4th and 5th grade lexile. She has stated for the past three years that she wants to be an "abuse and crisis counselor" and also that she HATES school and would love to quit. :barf:

3. That Prince Hygiene (YSS 12) will be some combo of rock star, broadway star. He's failing all core subjects but has been enrolled in every school play and is a huge (literallly) ham.


NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

Oh lord almighty. I am very fond of my partner's mother. SHe is almost 80, God bless her. SD15 is failing her classes but she's pretty and when asked what she wants to be when she grows up she says, "An anesthesiologist or I'm just going to marry a rich guy." MIL says, "well she could cause she's that pretty." LOL . I guess MIL isn't holding out hopes that SD15 is headed to med school with bad grades and no ambition.

thinkthrice's picture

Wow there's no hope for Gir's kids then as they are all as ugly as sin. Dominatrix CAN look nice if she actually smiles politely and fixes her hair but she fancies herself a comedian and does these outrageous unladylike faces and posturing, burping, scarfing down oreos on camera.

kathc's picture

Wait, the Air Force wasn't beating down his door to let him fly their planes? ROFLMAO

They're so far outside of reality, these precious snowflakes!

I've had to tell a skid that no, he's NOT going to "get discovered" skateboarding and to knock off the shit.

thinkthrice's picture

We had another SM who had an SS that was going to be a "star skateboarder"
Apparently that didn't work out!

tryingmom's picture

My BS was a sponsored skateboarder and snowboarder when he was 13-15. It was hard work, that boy would practice afterschool for 4-5 hrs every day. Weekends it was competitions and meets. Best part of it was free boards and clothes, worst part seeing him work so hard to be an in the middle of the pack athlete.

My skids think they'll be "famous". SS15 aspires to be a rich youtuber. SMDH! SS12 thinks he'll be a famous WWE wrestler. Picture a male Olive Oil, 67 pounds, 4'11" boy with stick arms. YUP, they better have a back up plan!!

redtiger74's picture

Ha ha ha, Skidly's BM thinks he's going to be a professional soccer player. She's already sent us the schedule for the home/away games this spring. Keep in mind these are teams made up of 6 and 7 year olds. She should be focusing on his obvious shortcomings in the academic sector, but I guess those won't matter once he goes pro. It's not like you need to be able to read when you're a pro baller.

Drac0's picture

SS has aspirations on becoming a computer engineer. Funny that the two subjects he failed this semester were math and science.

DW sees him being a teacher or a daycare worker. She based this on how much BS and BD love to play with him.

My in-laws think he is destined to become a great leader, because 75% of the world's great leaders are tall and since SS is tall, logic dictates that he will become successful. I like this logic. It's like saying I like eating tomatoes. Since tomatoes are red, I should like eating Stop signs too.

Personally, I see SS getting some poor girl pregnant at 18 or 19, forcing him to take any menial job that comes his way where his height "could" be an asset, like a clerk at a grocery store stocking shelves.

Drac0's picture

The extent of SS's "edumacation" on the subject of sex and pregnancy was Donkeykong telling him "If she gets it up, wrap it up".

At the same time while he was trying to teach him to play poker.

(which apparently he sucks at too)

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

I see your SS as working for Fruity Pebbles or Kelloggs. Some kind of cearel company product tester

thinkthrice's picture

The road apple doesn't fall too far from the horse's patoot. The Gir herself dreams of being a Food Network star. Problem is, she can't cook to save her life.

Tuff Noogies's picture

oss just plans to win the lottery. or marry a rich old lady.

mss plans on being a professional athlete. we're trying to encourage him to focus a bit more on academic scholarships, the kid is naturally book-smart.

according to dh, yss is going to be an inmate.

kathc's picture

Your skids are assholes. Really.

I can't believe PunkinHead hasn't lost the job due to poor hygiene yet.

thinkthrice's picture

I DID mention that the food truck is OWNED by one of his relatives on the BM's side? That is the ONLY way that kid got a part time minimum wage job.

There IS a meningitis outbreak locally where that food truck is stationed. . .HMMMMMM

He is really good at CHOOMING however.