:jawdrop: :? :O
:sick: Thats kinda the way that my day has gone.
Got up hubby in a good mood, can tell that he is shaken though.
Got breakfast for 15 people at the campsite, eggs, pancakes, bacon, hash, toast(and only got thankyou's from my kids)
Plates left all over, syrup all over, ahhhhhhhhhhhh no help cleaning up, (only my kids)
Hubby had to leave for the 1 hour drive from the campsite (where we had to camp because it was closer to the meeting place rather than were we would have really wanted)
Hubby upset, left without saying goodbye.
Got phone call almost 2 hours later that he was at the police station because of course SS13 did not show up.
Court order clearly states that Ex has to drive ss13 to specified location for father's day. (we have been screaming at the top of our lungs that Ex refuses to follow any order)
Ex was a no show after 45 minutes. Multiple phone call attempts and text messages requesting contact with ss13 and ex. only contact is from ss13 saying that he is not coming and that he is at ex's house.
Hubby calls me tells me that he is on his way to the camp site with oldest ss16 who rode along and who lives with us. Ex and ss13 refused to talk to ss16.
Hubby back at campsite, eats lunch, upset and grumpy (I can understand but after 3 years of this shit, we need to move on)
Entire afternoon, Hubby grumpy, swearing and yelling.
Demanding mood. Pack up camper to come home.
Got home Hubby did not help unpack, he was hungry warmed up left over lunch while I cleaned out camper, washed up dishes and etc. from camper. (he did not warm up anything for anyone else)
Hubby sat down on the couch, ate, watching tv.
I finished up cleaning, kids went to the pool. Got the mail. JOY OF JOY - letter from the attorney again.
Attorney wants to have a meeting about custody hearing coming up with ex's attorney. Hubby told attorney last week that we have already attempted this. Ex is has so many contempt issues that I don't even know how to list them. (my next goal for the readers) All she wants to do is settle out of court so that she doesnt get into trouble (oh I forgot - she has only gotten a lecture from the judge in the past when she was found in contempt 3 seperate times)
I dare to ask what Hubby had agreed to (because last week he had told me that he did not agree to a meeting) and now there is a letter from his attorney stating that there is a date set up for one.
Letter also states that both the boys may be involved ages 13 and 16. are you f'in kidding me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh and here is the kicker - ex's attorney does not want the GAL to be there!!!!!!!!!!! WTF
Hubby screaming at me, making random comments about not doing anything, being on the computer all the time. (I will get online around 3pm each day before the kids get home, after my chores are done, God I feel like a little kid, and then later on at night if I am watching a tv program but I usually fold clothes while watching tv before I get online. Doing nothing)
Hubby was not happy when I was working, now that I am home, he keeps saying in a round about way that I'm not doing anything.
continues to scream, I bring up that the court order has outlined a court ordered therapist and it states that ex is to participate as therapist requests, which she has never done. SS13 now refuses to come for therapy or visitation. Per ss16 we know that it is because of ex.
ISN't the therapist the person to mediate situations and isnt that the person to assist with the bioparents in decision making. When that failed we were forced to go back to court, spend thousands to gain access to ss13 who has not seen any of us for 6 months even though in therpay he wants to do visits and will make plans during sessions for upcoming visits after which therapist wrote letter stating suggestions to allow all visitation without any limitations etc. Oh by the way ss16 lives with us fulltime and has visits with biomom every other weekend but Biomom claims that she needs to protect ss13 from us.
Therapist feels that is full of shit, not those words but you know what I mean.
Why should hubby have a meeting that involves the kids at any location other than the therapy office that does not involve the GAL.
I don't want to feel this way and am I crazy for being so upset? I am tired of being a punching bag for his ex and him when things fall through because of her. Im okay with being supportive but and should I be putting up with this? Ex has pulled this before setting up meetings, claiming that she will follow through with things and then doing the opposite. Hubby gets frustrated and he misses his son so much that he agrees to about anything with any promise that she makes (but never follows through with, manipulates every order)
Court is on the 29th but even after the GAL told ss13 and ex that he either begins to come of he will be physically removed or sent to foster care she still kept him for June's first weekend of visitation, the full week of summer vacation visitation, midweek visit and now today father's day.
- violetforest's blog
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OMG this is just all so
OMG this is just all so crazy. I am sorry that your husband mis directs this all at you. I think you need to borrow Cru's frying pan & wack him upside the head.
Me informative and
Me informative and knowledgeable?? too bad that when I went through my divorce I didnt know any one believe it or not that was divorced. I watched a few day care children who had divorced parents but they got along. (even the teen agers that had children who I watched got along better than the ex's now) I look back over the past few years and go OMG I was so limited in my information. I really believed that if you were a good person, were honest and did the right thing that would mean that positive outcomes will come out. I believed that the court system was there to gain the truth and to protect the inocent, boy was I wrong.
My husband is a wonderful man and I just don't know how to help anymore. He came out of the bedroom right after I had gotten done posting online and asked what was up. I told him to read the blog, he got frustrated but I figured that the blunt truth about how I feel would give him an understanding of what all of this creates for me and the rest of the kids.
He took a step back and agreed to talk about things today, did not yell. He still had a difficult time expressing how he feels about all of the issues related to his son and parents but I think that it is important for him to be able to express his feelings and to not just have me guess. (even though as he puts it "you know me better than I know myself")
I would love some suggestions from others about how we as a family can handle things when ss13 returns to our home either part or full time.