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Thank God ST is Back

Fading's picture

I was beginning to go through withdrawls I think. I've had some MAJOR issues and of course, no one to talk to! We got our puppy about 2 weeks ago and he's terrific, such a good little boy. But SD on the other hand is still an unholy terror! She's been abusing the pup every chance she gets. She steals all his toys and hides them, chokes him, throws him and I am pretty sure she hurt his leg the other day because he won't walk on it at all today. (I am taking him to the vet today) I'm thinking this happened when I caught her HANGING him UPSIDE DOWN by his rear legs... Sad SHe's no longer allowed near him or his things. I told DH and SD that if this crap continues she will no longer be allowed in our house, period. DH agreed.
This past Thursday when she was over she kept taking the pup's toys and hiding them and taking his food away when he was eating. Less to say I FREAKED OUT. I have never screamed at SD, I have raised my voice, but never screamed. The second I saw her taking his food away, I let her have it. I'd had enough, I screamed at her for about a good 5-6 minutes telling her that she is a naughty little girl and mean, rude and ungrateful. I told her she doesn't deserve even half of the things we have given her and all she ever does is want more. Etc... DH supported me the whole time. SD spent the rest of the afternoon in her room, alone. I told DH that this puppy is like MY CHILD and that if ANYONE treats him badly they will see my bad side and that's what SD had provoked. I told him I understand that she is his daughter and that regardless of anything that happens between she and I that he will always want to see her. But I told him if she can't get herself in check or BM doesn't agree to put her in therapy for her issues, she will not be allowed back in this house. He agreed, although somewhat reluctantly.
What if the puppy had been a newborn? She could've killed it. SD shouldn't been left alone with anything living (pets, children, etc) and we, unfortunately, learned that the hard way.

There. That's off my chest. I finally feel like I can breathe again. I'm beginning to think I have an unhealthy attachment to this place and you people...LoL.


Fading's picture

OK I have to admit I probably said some things in my screaming at SD that wasn't ok, but I was so torked off I could've lifted a mini van with my pinkie.

jojo68's picture

I feel like a junky getting a fix...glad to be back! Having your DH's support is so very Sd needs help from what it sounds like. She is jealous of your puppy....just think what it would be like with a baby...scary.

HennyPen's picture

your poor puppy! wow, I can't blame you for finally losing it on her after what she was doing to him. If an adult did those things, -->"chokes him, throws him and I am pretty sure she hurt his leg the other day because he won't walk", they'd get charges of animal cruelty! To some of us, our animals ARE our children. I am that way with my Boston Terrier. Of course we are protective, we have to for them, they can't protect themselves, especially from a violence proned child! She surely needs therapy! protect your puppy from her. He doesn't deserve that!

Fading's picture

My sister has a boston and he is so fun. My pup is a pug. Blum 3 He so sweet. She brought her boston over to play with my little man and they had so much fun. It was cute to watch them run around and play together. We were thinking of getting a boston if we decided to get a second dog later on. They are so fun! But now I'm really partial to the pug.

HennyPen's picture

yes, I love my boston. He's my other my in-laws had pugs and I liked them too, but wanted something a little bigger and good with kids as he was the substitute "baby brother" my son wanted. After getting mine, now my sister bought a boston puppy, and my mom took one from a rescue. They're addictive..and like a bad penny...keep showing up!

On a serious note, I truly hope your little guy is ok. It's scary when they are hurt/sick and so little! keeping fingers and boston toes crossed for you guys!

HennyPen's picture

hey there Katrinkie Smile my Boston is Duncan, I kept with all Irish names for my kid and animals. It's quite funny to hear them all, but Smudge and me giggle. great names.

as for having similarites...they say you have many many sisters out there. just got to wait to find them all! Wink

HennyPen's picture

get outta town! might really be related someway..!!

Magennis/O'Connor clan here! that's so wierd, sometimes it's such a small small world!

jojo68's picture

I used to have a puggy..I loved that dog. He was my buddy. I was his person but he was friendly to everyone. I had to give him to a friend because when I moved in with my BF, his daughters cat did not adapt well to my dog and I decided it best to let him go and let him have a better much as I miss him, I'm very glad I did now. We have a rabbit that I know deep down in my heart my BF daughter hurt. He had head tilt for about a month. The vet said he probably had head trauma. He's better now. Smile We have a dog that is treated too roughly in my opinion. Then when the dog reacts roughly (after being hit and pushed and kicked)its the dogs fault for hurting Princess or just wanting to play. Dogs have unconditional love so she just comes back for more. I have to feed her and water her and give her her bath (BF daughter has no responsiblities or chores).