Help!!! what am I supposed to do with this kid!!???????
I need another point of view, my SS12 is violent, cruel, selfish, and destructive!! The boy just threw a tantrum and broke the plate glass door out of our store($1000 in repairs) he has broke 4 more windows at home,broke doors, broke appliances,destroyed the other childrens toys,ripped down curtains,stabbed walls, kicked holes in walls. Not to mention pushing around my 4 year old, and saying things to my 9 and 7 year old that are sooo cruel! and the last time I slapped him for those bad words direceted at me last winter, he pushed me on the floor... I was 6 months pregnant.....I want him out!!!!! His Dad has tried to discipline him but nthing works because BM will just undermine everything he does.. I think if she wants to create problems then she should live with those problems!!
Does anyone know what I should do!!!??????
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I wish he would go live with
I wish he would go live with his mother and then she can get him couselling!! I just don't feel like dealing with him anymore!! He scares my other children!! I think that they will be my top priority! As for councelling I willl not reward his behavior by getting him a councellor so he can be better that everyone else in this family, he has this attitude of superiority and entitlement, that just pisses me off and his father says that, that is his mother's attitude exactly!!! He just want's everyone to pay attention to him and only him, I won't reward that with a therepist!!! I don't know!!
I think this child should
I think this child should definitely get some counseling. He is dangerous and only 12! What he is doing is abusive and no one should have to go through that. Who has custody?
With how violent this kid is
With how violent this kid is this is really the only option on top of counseling. Maybe an officer can scare the kid to behave and if not it starts the process to have him removed if he continues.
Why doesnt he live with him
Why doesnt he live with him mom? He needs to be sent to juvie, all the cops when he vandalizes something. And get him into counseling! Thats scary for the other children to be around too.
"I child proofed my whole house, but they STILL get in!"
Counseling ASAP, how is
Counseling ASAP, how is behavior at school?
Clearly he has alot of anger. This is just not a healthy situation for you and your family. Especially the younger children.
IMHO you should not be
IMHO you should not be slapping him, no matter what he breaks. If he is really this bad you need to contact a social worker in your area for help.
Sending him to his BMs will not help. He needs professional help and guidance.
It sounds like your fed up
It sounds like your fed up with this kid. I would be too. I have a somewhat similiar situation, just not as extreme. My SD was diagnosed with scizophrenia when she was younger, as well as bi-polar. Its been rough, especially since the parents to this child refuse to discipline because of her condition. I'm not saying this is what is going on, but it might be? I know that my SD would attack SS when no one was here, she broke the door, has put holes in the walls.. stuff like that. I don't know if this can help at all; but there are two books I would recommend:
The Explosive Child; by Ross W. Greene, Ph.D. -- A new approach for understanding and parenting easily frustrated, chronically inflexible children.
It's Nobody's Fault; Harold S Koplewicz, M.D. New Hope and Help for difficult children
As for me, someone who has not seen proof that SD has any of these illnesses, its nobody's fault was very helpful because it gives you a diagnosis, along with examples of children who have the illness. It goes over the symptoms, the treatment and how to parent a child with an illness.
Again, I am not sure that these will help your situation. But they helped me and my situation. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and yours.