Visions of a future assault charge...
Okay so I'm kidding about that but BM makes me so crazy sometimes that I revert to middle school thinking when a crazy goth chick got in my face and I woke up with her on the floor and her hair in my hands. Normally her psycho antics make me roll my eyes but when you start talking sh@t about BD 6 weeks I will get crazy. This morning started off fine enough. We have skids EOWE and 5 weeks in the summer from which she is CO'd to do the 2 hour drive to pick them up. She has been asking for FH to take them to her as the drive is too hard on her other 2 kids she spawned while still married to FH (not his spawn). She already failed to get them 2 weeks ago, but whatever. So FH said that his work schedule has changed and she needs to get them. Of course after a few lies as to why she can't the deragatory comments start. Normally we take the high road when she starts (EX: she yells to the kids when FH picks them up to have fun with as**ole FH (she has the kids call their Dad by his first name - they call him Dad at our house) etc) but today I LOST it! She starts in on calling FH names, then decides that doesn't quite cut it so she starts in on me. Loves to tell me how great the FH thought the sex was with BM, how much fun they had making the skids..:barf: Mind you she does nothing but collect CS and demand more money at each chance. So she starts going on about how we are good for nothing (except CS LOL) and have too many mouths to feed, whatever. She knows nothing about us but it all stems from jealousy. She has been trying to break us up since we got together. Anyway (sorry my mind is all over the place) while I was prego with BD 6 weeks she has serious health issues called IUGR (intrauterine growth restriction) and I was ordered on a high protein diet with strict bed rest. So after calling him names and trying in on me she said the one thing to make me see red.
BM: How is your handicapped child anyway?
OMG that was it. (BTW baby is perfect and grew fine but the cord had been "kinked" during pregnancy and with prayer and determination - she grew to a healthy weight). So I said -
Mumzy79: Better than the child you threw away like garbage (she has had 5 kids by age 23 and gave one of them up. My oldest child is adopted and I think it is wonderful selfless thing, but I admit I lost my cool and said the most hurtful thing I could). For the last 2 years she has said everything imaginable and when we could take the skids on her weekend she said that she doesnt care if our baby dies, so at this point I couldnt bite my tongue any longer. I feel like crap because EH and FH have a pretty good relationship and I want that for all but she has made it very clear that will never happen. I am sick of her trying to control everything simply because she is BM, I am sick her PAS tactics, mostly I am sick of her never doing what is in the best interest of the skids. She threatens court ever other week, threatens to go back to court based on my income (can she do that?) threatens to keep the kids from us, everything! Will the insanity ever end? Should I just stay out of it. FH asks me because frankly schedule changes affect me. So I am usually in the middle of it.
UGH! Okay vent over. I feel like crap for saying it even though she said terrible things too. Oh well, she gets under my skin....
- mumzy79's blog
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what a slag!(my fave new word BTW) DId she do all this in front of skids??? My suggestion is to take a video camera with you next time you see her and record her dumb ass..... one of two things will happen.....either she will stop completely, OR she will continue to act that way and you can show a judge.
Not today's event but she
Not today's event but she has many times before..good idea though.
Love the new word!
You are a better woman than I my friend! Just reading your blog - I literally inhaled out loud!!! I want to go and kick that POS ass for you!! Verbally and physically! I'm not really a nice person when it comes to this stuff... In front of the children, I'd ignore it, but to her face, I'd tell her she's a psycho skank, who obviously can't be that great in bed, or else her DH would have stayed with her. Oh that's right.. he's with you! I'd tell her that the last time you two had mexican food for dinner and your husband took a big fat dump in the toilet, he told you it reminded him of her. Eeeeek!!! Now that's evil, huh??!!!!
ha ha haaaaaa
OH I am soooooo going to use that dump in the toilet line!!! Can't stop laughing at that one!!
You have made my day...I blame my mother for always telling me to take the high road!!
LOL..that is the best. May I plagiarize your words one day and silently worship your help in this matter?
Cheers Girl! Go for it!!![Smile](
How could you NOT beat her butt??
If the attitude/comments are thrown towards me, I like to smile and throw back a "thank you for thinking about me today" at our BM (which I like to say stands for Big Mess)
However, the instant ANYBODY brings my flesh and blood into it is the day I'll be thrown in jail (okay, maybe just a very good verbal bash). How horrible of her to say that about your baby (and BTW God is so good for giving you a healthy baby)
Where is FH in the midst of this? Does he deffend you??
"I aint no Carol Brady"