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Is she right and we are crazy???? BM threatening kidnap charges. Insight needed

mumzy79's picture

Okay so per per DH's court order, he is to receive half the Xmas holiday break. It breaks down as beginning at 6 pm the day after school lets out until half the days are met usually 6. About a month ago BM emailed DH stating that skids school lets out 12/23 so our visitation is 12/24 at 6 pm until 12/30 at 7 pm. All agreed. She called MY cell phone on 12/22 frantic saying her Mom was very sick and in the hospital and DH needed to come and get the kids. DH picks up skids. I informed her that if she wanted them back to call me. She never did. (Technically Xmas eve until 6 pm was her day and I thought she may want them back.) So she calls on Xmas to speak with skids. She tells DH that if he "wants to bring them back 2 days early he can." He tells her he will have to check our plans. He realizes that 2 days early is a work day for him (he has 15 hour shifts) so he cannot bring them back early and it will stay at the court ordered time. Of course she flips that everything will not go her way, says all kinds of BS and says we are keeping her kids from her? WTF???? This after we rearranged my schedule to accomodate her "family emergency". So anyway she is threatening contempt and filing Parental Kidnapping charges because DH will not bring them back early. Seriously? The court order states the number of days and DH texted her that her needing us to pick them up early does not change his court ordered time. BTW, we live out of state and skids missed school. Plus when she dropped them off the were without car seats. UNBELIEVABLE. Okay, thanks for the vent, please let me know she has no leg to stand on.


kidsaplenty's picture

SHE HAS NO LEG TO STAND ON. You have it in writing and if she goes looking for trouble she will make only herself look like a nutcase. Don't let this rattle you. Have the c.o. on hand if anyone shows up.

stepmom2one's picture

She can not file charges becuz she did not get the back EARLY. It was good of her to call to have you, instead of someone else, come and get the kids early. But it doesn't mean you have to do every last thing she request from here on out.

DH is right, BM is wrong.

DISbelief's picture

She is clearly NUTSO!


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ Wink

smnikki's picture

she is just being drama. bm does these kind of things to us too. dh just needs to tell her she can do what ever she feels she needs to, but you have records to show that you are not doing anything wrong and you will be following the court order and returning the kids at the already scheduled time. then he needs to just hang up on her. and not engage her. she just wants to harass some one and get some one elses feathers ruffled, she will stop when she sees she cant do it to dh.