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mumzy79's Blog

Kudos to BM

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Today was Kindergarten Orientation and 1st day of 1st grade for SS's. DH picked up skids for special breakfast then met BM at school. We live out of state so this is a very big deal for DH. Last year was a mess and she a complete arese but this year they talked to the teachers together and were civil and professional. I am so proud of BM. Last year she tried to block his access at the school and sued for sole custody. We aren't letting our guard down but at least for 1 day out of 365 she was mature.

Tryin to be the better person but Karma is setting in!

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OK so psycho BM made life hell when DD1 was fighting for her life in utero...brief run down she loved to make horrid comments i.e. "I will laugh when your baby dies" referred to her as "handicapped baby" and sent a text on her 1st BDAY asking how "birthday gimp" was. Flash forward to today and she sends text to DH (she is 30 weeks with #6 @ 25) and she is asking all kinds of medical questions as she has been hospitalized and the babys life is in danger. My heart says she is just a scared mother but my mind says FU!

Why do BM's favor one over the other????

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OK so this PISSED ME OFF soo bad! I cannot believe the things some mothers say to their kids. It has been obvious since day one the BM favors SS STB7 over SS STB6. I have no idea why and she has openly admitted that she doesn't really like SS STB6. He looks just like DH and so I assume that is why. As a BM myself, I understand that you may get along easier with one kid, but to blatantly make one feel so much more "special" than the other is beyond me. I haven't posted in awhile mainly because I have learned that BM's antics will not ever change so I mainly learn to ignore her silly antics.

Is she right and we are crazy???? BM threatening kidnap charges. Insight needed

mumzy79's picture

Okay so per per DH's court order, he is to receive half the Xmas holiday break. It breaks down as beginning at 6 pm the day after school lets out until half the days are met usually 6. About a month ago BM emailed DH stating that skids school lets out 12/23 so our visitation is 12/24 at 6 pm until 12/30 at 7 pm. All agreed. She called MY cell phone on 12/22 frantic saying her Mom was very sick and in the hospital and DH needed to come and get the kids. DH picks up skids. I informed her that if she wanted them back to call me. She never did.

How do we respond to this? PAS BS

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BM is PASing the skids terribly. When the skids were returned 2 weekends ago, the OSS was crying. When he went home BM sent him to his room and told him to stop crying that his Dad was an "idiot." Then DH picks up the skids tonight and immediately (no prompting) they begin with "Mommy and (her) BF are saying mean things about you and Mumzy79, and we don't like it." These poor kids are being told constantly not to like us, we are "idiots" and the list goes on. How are we supposed to fix this? These poor skids are hurting and I have no godly idea how to combat this.

Pre Nuptial Agreements

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This has come up in random family conversations. DH and I have one. I had more assets entering our marraige than he, but it wasn't really that. We did one because me ExH tried to bleed me dry. I got to keep most of what I had, but after lawyers fees it is certainly less. My question is this: In a second marriage situation or any marriage for that matter, what are your feelings on Prenup's?

(**If this has been posted before, sorry!**)

Straight from the mouth of babe's

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So in case all you ladies didn't know it, according to SS5, BM says I hate him...why? ***GASP*** I discipline them. Not to say she doesn't, they have bruises that no child should have. SS6 informed DH that they were instructed to call me certain names (he wouldn't say what they were) to get me angry. Seriously? Did she graduate elementary school. I feel like screaming "I am rubber you are glue, what you say bounces off me and sticks to you." Ahh the stupidity. SS6 also informs us that they are moving in 2 weeks ....again!

Well that went as well as a Root Canal....The Saga continues

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We were supposed to have visitation this weekend with skids. BM said we could only have one skid as doctor said SS5 couldn't travel due to his cast. We had an email from the doctor stating he could, but she would not release them without a signed note...WHATEVER. DH showed up with local police. They demanded that she release both skids. She called her lawyer...long story short police supervisor said not to go any further as it would be too traumatic for SS5. Here we go again with the Golden Uterus BM's thinking they get to control everything.

Email from Dr. enough?

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See my last blog for more info, but essentially the last 2 Contempt Charges against BM were dismissed. So 2 weekends ago, she got the doctor to sign a note that SS5 (fractured leg) could not travel more than 1 hour. We live 2 hours away. My belief - so they won't be around me because MIL/FIL live near BM. So we call doctor on 11/9 asking how long this restriction is. She states that it was only precautionary in case he got it wet or stuck something down the cast. So he is clear to come here this weekend.
