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Update: my interview today...

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lead me to a job!!! Yay!!! I'm so so so really really really happy!!! it's only PT, but it's what I wantedfor now. The important part it's with an awesome earth friendly company! There are tins of potential career opportunities and when I'm ready to grow up (I use to own my own business worked all the time about 22 hours a day for 3 years!) -- so when I'm ready for FT again (growing up) I'm in the right place.

Yay for me!!!

I start Monday no cell phones allowed (spa zen), so I will miss you ladies and gents!!

I resent you FH for...

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Last night, FH and I were listening to a talk radio type of show on the computer on "how to deal with a psycho ex wife". Most if not all are the things I've been advising FH to do, but he sometimes does and then doesn't for whatever reason of the hour or excuse he creates. While listening to this talk radio, (I'm somewhat paying attention at this point because it had been 2hours of listening to someone talk and it was 1am. )
FH says "pause that". I did so
and he says "that's you."
I say what?
FH: yeah, you get mad at me.

What would you call this....

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FH jumps at every phone call and every message (text or voice) that BM leaves for him? He honestly thinks, believes, feels, assume something is wrong with his kids and that he needs to answer. In the entire time I have know him, nothing has ever been urgent or an emergency though BM says that it is when she leaves a message (text or voice). She calls at all hours, though he has written (sent by snail mail), text and told her NOT to call him or text him UNLESS it is an emergency.

Two questions -

I'm a believer...Good Things DO happen to Good People!

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After a good solid month of BM and skids drama I finally got some good news today! Unrelated to BM and skids. Which is nice to feel I have something else than all that bullcrap!

I'm going for my final interview this week for a PT job I've been interviewing for since late August. I'm very excited. The commute is very short, it's only PT, so I can do my self employed projects as well. It's a good starting point with this company that has many openings, but I want to slowly work into other positions.

Cheers everyone...have a good Tuesday!

Stressed out!! Panic attacks and now sightings!!!

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I had a major panic attack last night while dh and I argued about stupid bm. It was a very bad ending to a very bad weekend. A weekend that SD11 made impossible to enjoy but contantly beating her sister6. Including tipping over the lounge chair while the child was laying there and the outcome -- a cut above her eye.

Then, today I've had two sightings of my x who terrorized me for 2 years and attempted to kill me! Not that he was actually here, just that my brain is thinking so because of all the stress sd11 has me feeling.


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Ok, whose man on here does "manscaping"? I just wonder cause I have to talk to my man about it every month, I mean I do keep my stuff together tight for you... so why shoudn't you and afterall, you were "manscaping" when we met, so what the hell...don't let the bush grow out and be all lazy and shit...

Oh, so he says I want you to do it for me...hello, you were taking care of "it" all on your own before! Seriously, is that my responsbility too?! LMAO

Love letter...

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I have been reading Stepmonster and I almost wanted to cry...because I really truly honestly have the best man in the world! Ok, I know you do too...but he is the best man I have ever been with...

I got to thinking...I need to write my FDH a love letter...letting him know it will all be ok, perfectly fine, wonderful, beautiful, that our love will survive all and everything that is placed in our way.

FDH gets a call from a teacher....

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So my awesome FDH gets a call from a teacher at his daughters school. The teacher leaves a message saying she is very concerned about sd11. ummm, he has never been called! EVER!!! EVER!!! NEVER!!!

Ok, so he calls back...this teacher tells him that sd11 has not done but one homework assignment (I reminded him I did one with her) he says, yep...that is the ONLY one she has done!!!


"We got her a new puppy." (short article)

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hmmmm, read this's short...

what is wrong with people?! obviously the woman lost control of herself!!! Really, let's go out and get her a new puppy and leave her with the kids...cause afterall it could have been a kid or the puppy...hey both are replacable -- right?! ugh! what is this world coming too???!!!

"Since then she's doing good," Jeffries said. "We got her a new puppy."

If BM was NOT nuts!!!

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If BM was not a narrcissist nut case life would be much easier. On the days BM is "normal" (whatever that is for her) life is bearable and less stressful. The moment she is "crazy bm" it's impossible to breathe. To be honest, I am having nightly anxiety attacks because of all the BS she pulls.

Why? When she is "normal" life is easier.

BM has been nuts now for the past month!!! It seems that when FDH announced we were closing on a house she lost all sense of reality!!

If bm was not a different would your life be?
