It's over for now or forever
I just broke up with my fiancé over the fact that while in the car he stood on the lawn talking to his x!!!! There's more to it than that but right I dont t have the energy to get into it. He continues to put her first even thou he knows she is a total manipulator which is what she was doing hen they were standing there on the lawn. I'm just soooooooooo over it!!!! I rather be alone. I desk with his kids the x and I have my own to contend with!!!! I just can't anymore or....did I over react?!?!!
- zenjetset's blog
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Yes! And the fact he gives in
Yes! And the fact he gives in to each and everyone of thing. I have written sooooo many letters on his behalf to straight out their "deal". I'm just so hurt!
True. Just wish she hadn't
True. Just wish she hadn't won! Cause it feels that way but I have to let him fight his own battles. Maybe he will win one. I don't know, guess not my problem anymore. He is a wonderful man, too wonderful maybe cause I can be a bitch. I just wish he had not left me there sitting in the car!
Actually she didn't
Actually she didn't did. In time you will find someone who will treat with the respect you deserve which is so mcuh better than what she will ever have playing head games with your ex.
Zen she has not won, trust
Zen she has not won, trust have have your life back and don't have to contend with his inability to let go of the past and pesky step kids...Frankly if they wanted each other that much they would have stayed together, she might be doing annoying things to get at you but at the end of the day if they had wanted each other they would have stayed together...when you are gone and the 2 of them are left to deal one on one with each other IF that is the case...they will both run in the other direction pulling out their hair asking "WTF" The grass always looks greener on the other side. Trust me you have won!!!!
You're right I'm just beating
You're right I'm just beating myself up over it.
There's a lot more to it.
There's a lot more to it. Long story short,he didn't stand up for me. Hoax and her family have dragged me thru tye mud and I am a good person not because I say I am but because that is who I am and choose to be. Anyway, too much for me too too much.
^ Word.
^ Word.
Only the most witty and
Only the most witty and intelligent comeback to appear on ST: "Kiss my ass".
It's ok. I handle cruel been
It's ok. I handle cruel been here all my life.
Zenjet, I'm sorry you've been
Zenjet, I'm sorry you've been having a tough time.
For what it's worth, despite the antagonistic attitude of BlendedFam (which, FTR, don't sweat - she does that to everyone for the sake of causing drama), you are far from alone on this site and many, many women on here have gone through or are going through the same thing as you are right now. It's never easy to end major relationships. Whether or not it's for the best doesn't really matter in terms of how good you feel about it, especially this soon after. -hugs-
You can't control whether or not he stands up to BM - it would be nice if you could, but at the end of the day we can only control our responses. In some cases, that means disengaging. In other cases, it means walking away. You deserve happiness, honey. No one is perfect, but I don't believe for a second that this incident was all there was to it - relationships are never that cut and dry and I don't blame you for not wanting to delve into those intricacies tonight after everything you've already been through. Only you know what is right for yourself and for your sanity.
I have no real good advice, but just know that you're welcome to post here as much as you want.
There are a lot of wonderful ladies on here who know exactly where you are coming from and what you're going through. Keep us updated and I wish you the best!
Posted what twice...?
Posted what twice...?
scroll to the bottom to write
scroll to the bottom to write your reply in the area that says 'comment'. don't click on 'reply'
Mob mentality isn't necessary
Mob mentality isn't necessary when it comes to you, BF. Anyone I've seen who has no patience for you or your posts has come to that point on their own. -shrug-
Don't let it get you down
Don't let it get you down Katrinkie.
Consider the source.
Pity her. She must have a really miserable life if she has to go around insulting other people and lying about them just to make herself feel better.
You really are a stupid,
You really are a stupid, stupid woman.
The stupidest thing about you is that you think everyone else is as stupid as you are.
You don't lie?
Yes you do. In fact, my first ever 'encounter' with you was one you flat out lied about. But worse than your outright lies is the way you deliberately mislead and dish out a lot of nasty innuendo. You are worse than a liar, you are a sneaky liar.
For example you said:
Also, there are several posters on iVillage who post here (they stated that) and I know for a fact that Katrinkie is one of them (she actually quoted one of my posts on iVillage.)...So, if you going to "hate on" iVillage, you should beware who you friend on here,
So no, you aren't outright saying that katrinkie can't be trusted but you sure as hell are implying it. That's worse than outright lying in my book, for several reasons - not least are:
1. You are so cowardly that you try to deflect negative attention from yourself onto Katrinkie by implying that she can't be trusted.
2. You insult the intelligence of everyone here by acting as if we are all too stupid to see what you are doing.
3. Every time you do something like this you are so f'ing STUPID that you think people will buy into your pathetic 'who me?' routine.
Oh and BlendedFam, I know
Oh and BlendedFam, I know katrinkie was over there. I thought she went after spinknottle was here but I was wrong about that. That's when I went over there and I saw Katrinkie was there at the same time. She didn't try to hide it. I know she was there because I was there for a day or two at the same time.
There are 2 possibilities here. Either you really are so stupid that you don't get what is being said or you are pretending to be too stupid to understand it.
The issue is not that you said katrinkie was on ivillage, the issue is your insinuation that she's an ivillage spy, that anyone who befriends her should be very careful and that she can't be trusted. That's the problem - and you well know it.
Katrinkie / Blended -
Katrinkie / Blended -
Katrinkie - honey - hugs... don't let Blended get to you. She contradicted herself in the sentence where she wrote (and I cut and pasted)...
"and I know for a fact that Katrinkie is one of them (she actually quoted one of my posts on iVillage.)" Blended wrote that sentence while saying she doesn't have anything to do with iVillage, and didn't until ST. Well, if she didn't then how were you able to quote a post that she admits is hers?? Don't you even worry yourself about her ... She is trying to deflect.
Blended - I have remained somewhat neutral about you and have seen you be somewhat supportive once in a while... but even I read your comment to Zenjetset for what you meant it as. You wrote it in a way that you could defend and say that she did herself a favor... but in reality you capitalized EVERYONE meaning she was also doing her bf and the skids a favor.
Since we don't know what exactly happened, or led up to Zenjetset being ticked off by her bf talking to bm... we have to go by the fact that she is posting as someone SAD about the situation. If you want to read it selectively - picking on the fact she was pissed because he was talking to BM, while disregarding that she wrote there was more to it, and she was sad about it - then so be it.
But don't try to deny what you wrote and why you wrote it. We can all read - even those of us who still try to give you the benefit of the doubt and then see the things you say to someone like Katrinkie WHO DESERVES NONE OF YOUR SHIT.
Did Zenjetset do everyone a favor? Sure, I 'll go along with that. She did herself a favor by realizing she doesn't want to be in that situation, and like someone else (forgive me poster!) wrote... even though she realizes it may be in everyone's best interest, doesn't mean it won't hurt her to go thru it.
Where's your compassion woman? There are plenty of women on here who do say that they would not stay with their man if they knew what they were getting into. That DOES NOT mean they wouldn't miss their man.
And don't try starting on me... I am a custodial stepmom, and have been thru a bunch of shit with BM, and have a great relationship with SD.
Katrinkie, don't let her get
Katrinkie, don't let her get under your skin.
Anyone who's opinion is worth caring about on ST knows not to take her instigation seriously. We know better. 
I know it is hard, but it
I know it is hard, but it sounds like you did the right thing. You should be #1 in your relationship and if you feel you are just in BM's shadow then move on. You will never stop feeling that way. Good luck!
zenjetset, I went through
I went through EXACTLY the same thing.
There was a point where things had built up so badly that our relationship hinged on his behaviour at any encounter.
It came to head one day when we dropped the skids home and SO got out of the car, looked over at BM, waved, smiled and said 'hi'. That was the LAST STRAW for me. It wasn't that one isolated incident, it was that she treated him like shit and he still treated her like anything she did was ok, he'd still be nice to her no matter what she did. This incident happened a couple weeks after she had come out to the car screaming at me and slapped me. It was after 3 years of her crap and him still being nice and respectful to her no matter what she did. On that day, when he smiled and said hi to her after everything she had done something snapped in me. That was IT as far as I was concerned.
I told him in no uncertain terms that he had gone completely over the line and that things had to change dramatically or we were finished for good. Luckily, he did cop on although I'd be lying if I said the changes were immediate. It took another year, a year of me getting books for him to read, a year of me pointing out every spiteful, hateful thing she did, a year of me showing him again and again how his kids were treating him as disrespectfully as he let their mother treat them. It was tough but we did come out the other side. He sees her for what she is now and he will not tolerate it when she becomes abusive to me.
Zenjetset, you did the right
Zenjetset, you did the right thing.. And your hurting now, so now and then you may doubt yourself in the decision you made.. But it seems so many bad occasions built up, and you finally just bursted and made the final, and right choice.. I'm sorry you are hurting, but it seems if the realtionship continued you'd be hurting a lot.. Maybe one day he will realize to put the woman he loves first.. *hugs*
Atleast we all know who to
Atleast we all know who to ignore right now. It could be worse. It seems like we only have one right now. I'd just ignore him/her completely if you stop responding or giving them attention they will tire of it and go somewhere else they are looking for a reaction and they are getting one.
I have been thru exactly the
I have been thru exactly the same thing, and it is a very complicated subtle issue, not at all as black and white as...they have kids together so deal with it. Yes they have kids together, BUT he also has a new woman in his life with feelings to consider. I have no kids and my BF does, so everytime I tried to discuss how often and in what way he spoke to the BM, all I heard was "you don't have kids, if you had kids, I would understand why you talk to your ex." Of course he can say that...I don't have kids and he will never be in that situation. Its an easy out. My ex and I had an amicable breakup and wanted to remain friends. I got grilled by BF every time my ex called (maybe once every 3 months to say Hi). I was asked everyday if my ex had emailed me, all the while he spoke to his ex contantly, daily...because "they had a kid together"...what a double standard. One day we came back from a romantic weekend getaway and were driving home. BM called, and BF took the call. Yes, it related loosely to the kid, but just chit chat, and he talked and giggled (yes, giggled) with her while I was stuck there next to him in the car. I didn't speak to him for the next 4 hours of the ride home, and of course in the end I was the bad guy because "it was about his kid." That's crap. Good news is, after many discussions and many very very slow baby steps, he is being more considerate. After 2 years, I can see forward progress. There are many ways to communicate. In non urgent kid matters, they can email. A quick text message about where and when to pick up/exchange the kids is a lot less offensive than a phone call chat. They share the responsibility of raising a kid, and they can do that while still respecting you. Now on the rare occasions that she calls (she will eventually get the hint and call only in emergencies) he lets the call go to voice mail. If the kid has been hit by a truck, I am sure she will call back and he will get the point. Now my BF treats the co-parenting with the ex more as a business arrangement, not a romantic relationship, and not a friendship. If they still had that between them, they shouldn't be divorced. Unless his kid is bleeding out in route to the hospital, there is no excuse for him to be chatting with her while you sit in the car waiting. That is inexcusable. SHE can wait, SHE is the ex. You should never wait on her! He should never give you the feeling that she comes first. Obviously, that sort of behavior would make anyone suspicious. If that ever had to happen, he should have ended the call quickly, come over to you, explained exactly what BM wanted and what his response was and apologize for keeping you waiting. Fortunately, my BF has made baby steps in the right direction. It has been agonizing, but worth the wait and he gets better everday. Is your man making progress or just being an ass? Whether he still has feelings for BM (the worst scenario of course), or is brainwashed by her (like my BF) or feels guilty about being a divorced dad, it doesn't matter. Any glimmer of hope for that he will start considering you and valuing you? If not, you were right to bail. I think you did the right thing. A better life awaits you.
I feel bad for you because I
I feel bad for you because I can just feel how you're feeling... but you know as I'm finding out day after takes a really strong stomach to deal with the step/blended family issue. So many times over the past 6 years I've thought to myself...what the hell did I do this for?? In our case DH told me that BM was a bitch, that she cheated on him, that she was a fake...and well..guess what..he kisses her ass too, which makes me disbelieve his statements. After 6 years it's still a bone of contention with me..especially when I hear that BM has called DH at work because SS is sad about something and DH rushes over to her house to hear SS lie about something (because that's what he does)... truthfully SS does it so that he can see his parents together... Anyways... when I think back to those first days/years... I think you're making the right decision... it's something that doesn't really ever go away...that feeling of coming in 2nd... (not in my experience anyways)... it's sad, because I'm sure you love your BF..but you may as well end things now rather than after you're married.
Thank you StepAside! Well
Thank you StepAside! Well said. The crucial relationship in that man's life now is YOU, not the ex, and matters relating to the skids can be dealt with in a manner that is considerate to you. It is not for you to take a backseat because BM wants to talk about what kind of underwear to buy the skids while you wait in the car. They can deal with skid issues amongst themselves, on their time, not yours. Just because you date a man with kids does not mean that you automatically agree to wait around and take last place on the scale of importance. I am suprised at the tone of many of these posts...that women who want the BF/Hs to consider their needs too should go out and find men without kids?? Come on, how about a balance in life? How about compromise? How about solutions that work for all parties (with BM LAST on the importance scale)?
Unfortunately, that poor
Unfortunately, that poor girlfriend stuck waiting uncomfortably in the car will NEVER know what BF and BM were talking about because she will be told in a not so nice matter I am sure, that it is none of her business, because it was about the kids, and she doesn't have kids, so she wouldn't understand, and if she were a good person, she would sit in the car and patiently wait while the parents take care of their very important issues. Been there, done that. They play the kid card to get away with any sort of inconsiderate behavior. If they included us in the discussion, that would go along way toward peace, but that takes a lot more energy than simply dismissing us because we aren't in the kid club. struck a struck a nerve for me
When my husband is working... it's like taboo to call him. He doesn't answer the phone or he gets really annoyed that I'm taking him away from his work... BUT BM will call him, and he answers no problem... or RUSHES to the side of SS at her house whilst he's faking an ailment!
Whatever... that's all I have to say.
Yeah, I guess you are better
Yeah, I guess you are better off w/o him...because this is typical treatment. Skids 1st, BM 2nd, you 3rd... Don't matter day of the week or if its your birthday, pecking order sticks. And I've been shutting up & putting up with that since the first week I dated him. I really don't think he would have changed if I pitched a fit, no, he would have broken up with me.
= low self esteem for SM
So by breaking up, you probably will be happier, healthier, maybe even richer LOL. Being a SM requires a lot of waiting & being quiet too. Skids don't respond asap to anything you tell them, DH won't until he asks BM position first -- its almost like you will be speaking another language so there will be zero communication... Just my experience in the last 3 years.
Ouch. The truth put so
Ouch. The truth put so bluntly hurts Steptwins. "this is typical treatment. Skids 1st, BM 2nd, you 3rd... Don't matter day of the week or if its your birthday, pecking order sticks." I think you knocked the wind out of me. Yes, true, painful but true, and that one sentence I quoted is probably the answer to 99% of the "why?" questions posted on this site.
Well this reminds me of a
Well this reminds me of a while back... BM was on her "psycho cycle" and texted BF while we were otw to her house to drop off the kids.. Stating that she did not want me to come in her house! I was so flippin livid that if I would have went in I would have wanted to kill her.. Well I told BF not to go in.. Well he didn't wanna "drop his kids off in the garage" BF went.. I sat in the car for about 3 mins or so, well when he got back to the car I didn't talk to him the whole way home. He asked why I was pissed and I said " I'm not a child, so don't make me feel like I'm a child being punished by having to sit in my car while you go in and talk to BM!" (And u know she loved it) He appplogised and said he didn't intend to do that.. (Ok) Anyhow, the following wknd at pick up I rode along, BF had to practically beg me to go in with him! He told BM that he and I are together, and she needs to grow up and act like an adult!
ever since, I go in at every pick up!!!
Wow! I didn't expect all this
Wow! I didn't expect all this to come out of my post. As one poster said it wasn't just this one thing that got me so irritated that I was spitting fire, but it was because it was one in at least two dozen things that have happened or have been said or texted, or left in a voice message or sent in smoke (lol)!!! Basically, it's been one he'll of a week, month, and it seems to be getting worse not better. BM believes that she should have communication on a daily basis with BF, though when she calls she says nothing about children only about finances and other finical related things that according to their agreement is already "agreed" upon and dealt with. However, she calls and text him all day. She even went as far as texting him that she knows he is not "allowed" to talk or text her because if me. I started to laugh when he forwarded me that text! I said to him, you can make your own choices, but what's the purposes of texts and phone conversations when they are all about the same thing...BM asking for money or wanting more and more time without the kids! He agreed. I even reminded him that for 2years his father has said the same thing---- why do you answer the phone when all she does is ask you for money or complain about the kids asking you to take him!!! She is a crazy selfish woman who only has the kids because she gets CS. Or should I say xtra income that she doesn't use towards anything for the kids!
The kids came over this past weekend and had to wash their clothes because they were all dirty!!! Who packs dirty clothes for their kids when they are going to their father's?!?! Uncertain all her clothes were clean for her trip out of town this past weekend! Bitch! I hate her.
BM does not come in my house.
BM does not come in my house. No way. Never. I don't go into hers either.
SO doesn't go into her house either. There is no need to.
Deliciairen, sorry I just saw
Deliciairen, sorry I just saw ur response
No appology needed, that's a fine response, BUT the only reason BM said that is cause BF told her 2 days prior that we were doin the bday party for SS sperate
And she was acting like her typical 2 year old self.. Cause weeks before that, she was trying to invite me over to swim in her pool, play wii with her and the kids, drink a few beers and so on... She is a manipulator and a liar, she is childish.. And the best part, are you ready?? Less then a week after psycho BM banned me from her "home" she was sending me pics of the skids with sweet little messages all morning one day.. And BOOM, a few mins later BF calls n said BM wanted to drop the skids off to ME and have them stay the night, and BM would then pick them up from ME at MY house in the morning
suprise, suprise.. So my argument then...? Oh yes, I'm banned from entering BMs scanktuary, but she wants an all access pass to MY home? Hahahahahahahaha... As for BF and drop off, he goes in, and has me go in with him every time... He is half a tard and I'm working on that 
And stepaside, thanks! The
And stepaside, thanks! The best was 2 days prior to BM banning me, I was off on a weds (I'm usually not) so I rode with BF to BMs house to pick up, and BM wasn't expecting me.. My glory?? As BF opens the door to walk in, I stayed back a few steps, just enough to say the smile on BMs face when she saw BF, and then the pissed off half frown/used to be smile she got when I stepped in behind him
If that pisses anyone off, I'm sorry...
And! BM was wearing her skin tight shirt and booty shorts! BM actually hid behind the island in her kitchen.. Embarassy maybe?? I think so.. So BM texts BF how much she misses him and dresses like a hoe during pick ups? Your god damned right I'm walking in that house with MY man
Oh that is an awesome story!
Oh that is an awesome story! I bet you were reeling over the look of shame she had to endure the whole time you were there! That is so perfect.
stepmasochiast, yes it was
stepmasochiast, yes it was wonderful!!! it was kinda like this.... :jawdrop:
and i was so happy!!! BM plays her cards, or trys to... whatever.. There is no way im giving her the satisfaction of trying to win her pathtic battles.. And anyhow, BF was the one who told BM that i will be coming into her house, not me. I didnt even want to go in the next time... BFs exact words to me in the driveway before entering BMS scanktuary, " please come in with me baby, I was her to see what a real woman looks like" Could i say no???
deliciairene, yes they do!!!
deliciairene, yes they do!!! I had to go in after that
Stepaside, you are hilarious!
Stepaside, you are hilarious! Yes, there's more to the story always is...many of the same points, bm has threatened fiancé with court, lawyer if he doesn't meet her demands and he kisses her ass, then she has the nerve to yell at me, poison the children against me, fiancé and his family and on and on and on....we had just been through an entire week of bullshit from bm and she wanted to hash it all out there on the front lawn in front of the kids while I waited! Ugh!!! So irratating!!! Needless to say I lost my head completely came out of my skin and jump off the edge!!! I am never ever like that can't even remember the last time I had that out of my head feeling. In any case, my fiancé knew I was right, he just didn't want to be rude to her in front of the kids, but he understands what he did--- he says it won't ever happen again! He knows she is a bit h and he wants nothing to do with her. So, he got the point and is making the changes to make me the priorty! Which since he has done! I'm happy -- for now! lol