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Aftercare / Summer Camp

zenjetset's picture

Has anyone heard of a summer camp / after care program that does keep attendance records? BM has skids registered in an aftercare program the transport the kids from school to the aftercare location that does that maintain attendance records!!! This is very surprising to me. We are trying to determine how many days skids have attended summer camp and are unable to without attendance records. The policy is you only pay for the days you use.


zenjetset's picture

BM told us this and we assumed (still feel) she was lying, so we asked the person behind the counter when we picked up the skids and the lady there (very rudely) said that they didn't have any records. I told my DH that I felt she was lying for the reasons listed above! How would they know if a child was missing or not attending? It's a huge program over 10 buses, privacy 200 kids of all ages! They have to have some accounting of them. I think the lady and BM are playing a game! To make matters worse the counter lady told my DH he was only listed as a pick up person and not as the parent! She said she wouldn't be able to give us anything without the mothers consent!

JustAnotherSM's picture

Yes, show birth certificate and copy of the DD stating that DH has joint custody. And kindly inform the less-than-helpful receptionist that her office can expect to hear from DH's lawyer if there is not immediate cooperation.

My BM enrolled SS in a residential school and listed ex-SF as the father's name. As soon as DH found out, he contacted a lawyer and then the school. Once the school was made aware that BM had lied on her enrollment form, they begged DH to pick up SS and remove him from the school immediately. They had no desire to be involved with violating a court order.

mom2five's picture

A birth certificate makes no difference at all. There are many biological fathers who don't have custody nor legal rights to their children.

A school is legally required to provide you all information about your child provided there is no court order preventing access. Federal Law requires that a parent have access to all school records unless the school has been provided with a court order revoking those rights. I think it's the "Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Law"...I could be wrong on the exact title. However, I'm not sure how that applies to day care centers.

JJO's picture

Smells like something is cooking here!

Tell her straight away that you want to make sure what u are paying for. If she has nothing to hide she should be happy to show you the bill.. Wink

zenjetset's picture

Yeah, I agree I will call them and ask maybe I won't get witchy counter lady again! Also, this is where the skids go for after care and summer camp. Aftercare is included in CS summer camp is not, my DH is responsible for 60% (which is crazy) so my feeling is she is leaving skids with grandma and pocketing the $!!!!

zenjetset's picture

Oh I know it and I hear you! She was using DH for 2 years asking for money whenever she was short, which was all the time, usually around the first of the month he would get a call for money. She would create stories about medical expenses she had to pay. He would pay about $700 a month to her, even though $1200 was being taken out of payroll for CS! When I started managing the finaces the medical is $15 a month, and he is not allowed -- yep I used the word "not allowed" to write her any checks or give her any cash. It was out of control, she would call him and ask him to buy milk, eggs, bread, cat food, tampons, anything and everything!!! He stopped that too!

zenjetset's picture

Yeah, dropping off the skids would be her way of getting free grocery! I let it pass once and then I had a heart to heart with dh, about the fact that he was paying cs and she should be able to get all those things herself! Plus, she would be out of town visiting her boyfriend and the we had to stop to get her set-up for her morning breakfast on Monday! Bullcrappy!!! Not happening!!! Anyway, she is always asking for something and always plotting on how to get money and trying to get "us" to commit to various expenses without receipts! My concern us this camp now, I need to get the attendance records for my two sds!

Jsmom's picture

They may keep the records. You have every right to them. Sounds like she is probably pocketing some money.

zenjetset's picture

Another interesting texted dh to tell him there was a credit for camp (remember same place for aftercare) which leads me to ask...if they don't "keep attendance / records" how do they know when there's a credit or debit?!?!? So confused! NOT!!! BM and this facility is playing a numbers (accounting) game! I'm bent on getting to the bottom of this! I'm not concerned about aftercare cause it's part if cs, but the summer camp is definitely a possible issue cause it's extra $$$!
This is not a YMCA or girls boys it's a privately owned.