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FB how did you get access?!?!

zenjetset's picture

Ok, I have been reading many blogs of posters that say the have hacked into BM FB. I would like to know the secret because I am ready to hack into BM FB. Please do tell and if you can't on here, please feel free to PM. Thanks!!


Torn's picture

I would love to know too! Bm has her FaceBook set to completely private. Same with her MySpace. I would LOVE to know what she's up to. }:)

Synaesthete's picture

I don't think there's any real way to see that or any trackers or anything. There are a lot of things that say that's what they do, but they're scams and viruses so I wouldn't click them.

You could try the old-fashioned way of putting something up there that she'd be unable to resist mentioning to you or your SO... Wink

zenjetset's picture

my FB is set to private, you can't even find me if you know my email address. I am wondering if I should create a "male suitor account"...ahhahaha!

zenjetset's picture

FB is very secure, you can not do program it like myspace to figure out who has been on your page, as far as I have heard and know. FB is more privacy protective, except with their business sponsorship. They will sell the contact and demographics info to them.

caregiver1127's picture

Unless you join that group that allows it you can not find out who viewed your page but if you open the door then people can see who you have viewed! Also there is no way if they have privacy settings that you can see BM's page - I think most of these posters have BM's who want them to see their page and have no privacy settings

Synaesthete's picture

I don't even want to know, quite frankly. She used to have both FH and I on her FB but deleted us out of the blue at the end of the summer. -shrug- She's gone through more than one drop off/pick up/phone call with FH since then and hasn't mentioned it and we haven't bothered to ask.

I already have the gist of some of what she says to her friends, so to see all of it as well as private messages via hacking, I think, would just infuriate me so I'd rather be saved from myself. Wink

Having said that, I'm curious for more details into her latest boyfriend who not only has a toddler of his own but a very recent ex-wife. }:) I still remember all too clearly the way her friends attacked FH and I for dating before the final paperwork (which, I'm sure a lot of you know, can be delayed or lengthy in many places for many reasons besides that the marriage wasn't over; for us, it was a combination of wait times, slack-ass lawyers and moving that slowed the decree down even though they had long been living in separate states and it was completely uncontested) for their divorce was finished so I'm curious to see if she's catching any of that because of her new boyfriend, who's relationship status went from "married" to "in a relationship with *BM*" directly.

I hope her BM is awful.

zenjetset's picture

Oh, that's interesting...BM had you and her x on FB. She was never on mine, and FH deleted her when we started dating. I don't really use the status on FB that much. I typically just use FB to keep up with old friends and business associates. I am just curious as hell though how I can access her account.

Synaesthete's picture

I kept her there so we could familiarize with each other before the first meet and greet during a drop-off in hopes it wouldn't be as awkward. To be honest, it worked for the most part and we even chatted back and forth sometimes. Then things started going to hell with her previous boyfriend, she stopped speaking to us (which, I'm not complaining about but it was odd and out of the blue) and then deleted us a couple weeks later. I also liked seeing pictures of the FSkids but no big deal, we'll get our own pictures now. -shrug-

Her FB was *usually* pretty mundane. There was the occasional drama but usually it was pretty dull. The majority of the things she's said that have driven me up the wall have been on the parenting site she frequents, and even there I can't see most of what she writes (it's very privacy-based and has different tiers of security) so I'm also thankful I can't see everything there.

Maybe that's why she removed us from her FB, though - so she could throw some of her message board crap up there, too. I dunno. As I said, she hasn't mentioned it and we haven't cared enough to ask.

zenjetset's picture

Interesting...I can see getting to know someone like that. That's very hightech! Wink
I just would like to know if BM has commented on me and FH. I would also like to know about her BF. We know she has one (though she has said she and he broke up, whatever!!!) and figure out what they are up to. We know nothing about him. We don't ask, because we don't really care what she does with her life.

I have just read so many blogs that people mention they are able to view BM FB that I got's the investigator person in me I guess that got the best of my otherwise logical side. }:)

Synaesthete's picture

We only know about the new boyfriend because she either forgot or intentionally left her relationship status public. She hasn't mentioned him at all to us and, at least as of last week when they were visiting FH, the FSkids don't know anything about him either. They mentioned she went on a date but that's all.

bebbo's picture

I wish bm cud have a relationship
That way she wud mind her bzness
Unfortunately she aint that lucky
According to her now the latest man
In her life since the divorce is
Sson 6yrz old all of a sudden she
Started payin too much attention to
Dat small boy its scary!!!I tell u

Frustrated New Wife's picture

I befriended my BM on FB as well to get to know her and, like with you, everything went well until one day, out of the blue, she deleted both me and DH. I wrote to her and said well obviously me and DH did something to offend you as you have deleted and blocked both of us, but regardless of that, I wish you the best. She wrote back and said that her current husband was furious that my DH was on her friends list (mind you DH and BM have a child together so some communication is to be expected) and since my DH was in my profile pic she deleted me too. Well, things have pretty much gone south since then. No communication up until today when she emails ME instead of DH throwing around accusations...go figure.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

Not only that, but if her profile is public and you are blocked from viewing it, you can always make yourself a dummy profile/page under a trash email account. Not that I would do anything like that. Literally, I wouldn't, I am not on facebook anymore. It was too much doo doo for me.

zenjetset's picture

honestly, I have not made an attempt, except for today when I typed in her alisas, but I was blocked. If I feel tempted some day down the road I will try the common password route. Lately, Ive been too busy with my life to even worry about her crappy life.

Thanks for all who provided info. I will update this blog if I make any attempts and succeed. LOL

Justwantsomepeace's picture

Not to be a buzz kill or anything, but at least in my state that kind of hacking is a felony. BM did it to DH in the divorce and he could have prosecuted w/ jail time of 3 years.'s not illegal to log onto your kids accounts I'd they aren't 18 and most kids are FB friends with their BMs. Wink