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Happy Happy News!!!

zenjetset's picture

Biggrin FDH and I met with a new atty last night...he is awesome! He represents fathers rights. He will be filing a contempt motion on BM and is also requesting a modifcation in CS. Which getting the modification in CS is going to be a win!!!

FDH did not have the worksheet with his packet of info. So, yesterday he went to the court house, hot his file, had them make copies if the worksheets and what we found was just horrible!!!!! They had FDH with an addition $1,400 of income that he hasn't had for two years. He had cancer and was on Disablity. BM atty and FDH sucky 1st atty included it. Allthe numbers for BM were inflated while FDH numbers were deflated. BM had $200 a month for vacation, while FDH has zero!!! It was obsurd!!! So much for going to mediation and saving money!!! FDH got screwed!!!

No wonder BM always said let's not go to court we can work this out together. She knew it!!!!

Anyway, we are happy FDH will get the visistion changed to be more aligned with his work schedule and will be getting a reduction in CS. He should also be getting a credit for payments he made to BM for aftercare which was included in the CS.

We are just so happy... Of course this happiness came way after a great deal of OMGs!!! $1,400x12x 2 years?!?!? Yeah, it sucked! But it's going to be corrected!


zenjetset's picture

I agree, it's sometimes seems the issues are never ending and so overwhelming that breathing is difficult. Our terrible week last week lead us to seeking a new atty and getting BM under more control than she has been ever. The arguing was just outrageous and living under the BM control was impossible. So, in reality it forced FDH to take action and he now wishes he had done this back in March when I said, "I don't think you child support is calculated right."

I'm glad he took the bull by the horns! I keep trying to empower him to take a stand. Better late than never!

zenjetset's picture

Thanks proud_arrow good advise and yes, we are excited at all the new discoveries, but we are keeping our fingers crossed and saying lots of prayers!

The new CS statue change in Florida starting October 1st should also help the CS portion of the case. I'm praying, hoping and wishing. I'm busy gathering up all the information, putting it all in a spreadsheet, etc.

Stay tuned....I'm sure between now and then BM will do something ridiculous! Wink