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Skids weekend with us after choking incident!!!

zenjetset's picture

:O 3 hours until my fiancé and I pick up the skids and I'm not at all interested in seeing them. It's the first weekend since the choking incident and the entire week has been filled with text messages and voice message from BM and family. I know the skids are tainted by all of their poison and it's going to be a long long weekend. I've always looked forward to seeing them and spending time with them, now everything feels different. I'm trying to get over this feeling, but can't seem to shake it. I'm thinking what I will do if it happens again or if they start making comments about what bm and family have said. I'm just so bummed!


zenjetset's picture

As I had thought, the poison spoken to my sd11 & sd6 is disgraceful and sick. How cam grown people that say they are christians be so cruel and take away these childrens innocence?!?!!? I'm speechless! BM & her family went as far as telling them they will pick them up tomorrow morning if they didn't want to stay, instead of encouraging them to see & be with their father. What wrong with these sick people! They showed them the text message and letters regarding adult financial issues and other issues like passports etc. Why what is the purpose?! It's a smear campaign!!! They said their dad was stupid and retarded. They told me I look like a shar pei (it's my favorite dog). These are all things that they heard or were told by the bm and her people that supposedly love these girls. Man if this is what they meant by their little threat that "you know what are people are like" then they weren't intending on hurting me but these girls with their crazy ass control and lack of filter for their traps for mouths. Stupid! So stupid! Damage like this takes months if not years to correct. I am so tempted to call them and tell them exactly what I think, but I believe in the force of higher being or energy and it will be balanced in the end. I declare war in the worst of ways! I'm not using the children but have an interesting voice message I will make very public to some people that should know that the person is not what she seems.