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Willow2010's Blog

Just great.

Willow2010's picture

Well great. SS is now off of deployment and told DH he will be here sometime in June or July, for a week.

Found out last night (from an inlaw) that SS is actually coming in sooner than that to surprise DH. He did not say when. FML! I can’t say anything because I am not supposed to know. And I don’t want to ruin the surprise for DH. Why can this man make things so difficult!


Willow2010's picture

A post on the forums got me to thinking about this and I am just curious.

How do you feel about a woman that gives her child up for adoption?

How do you feel about a man that gives up his child for adoption?

The way I see it is that if a woman gives up her child for adoption she is usually seen as a saint. If a man does the same thing, he is suddenly a loser piece of crap that should not be allowed to breath.

Just tired.

Willow2010's picture

Soooo. Got a two AM call from BM to tell DH that SS wanted to skype with them. UGH.

Yes SS is on deployment, and yes there is a time difference, but he really could have done it a few hours later so that everyone would have been up. It’s not like they don’t talk all the time.

O/T -

Willow2010's picture

I have gotten really involved in being prepared. I want to be prepared if we get another hurricane or loss of job or whatever. (Not zombie apocalypse!) lol

One thing that has me stumped is long term food storage. I got some freeze dried and dehydrated food to make long term, dry, jar meals. It is pretty expensive though so I thought about doing my own dehydrating.

Does anyone here dehydrate? Is the food good? Is it difficult? Is it expensive? Is it easy to cook with or use in recipes?

Very OT and will probably delete soon.

Willow2010's picture I debated posting this due to staying anonymous, but I really don’t think it will matter.

So did anyone hear about the Carnival Ship that caught on fire and had to be towed back to Mobil AL? I was on it!

UGH…it was crazy and miserable!! But, I feel it was not miserable enough to sue them over. I can’t believe how some are blowing it out of proportion.

Can't wait. NOT

Willow2010's picture

UGH…so SS should be off deployment sometime in the next month or two. I already am dreading it!! It will mean having to deal SS’s attention seeking and him trying to get BM and DH to “date” while he is here. LOL. (small stretch on the dating)

SS’s last email.

SS: I have been having to put my boot in several peoples ass’s and step on some toes since we been cranking. Even some higher ups. But I have been right every time and have not got into trouble for it!! Oh the stories I have to tell!! Can’t wait.

DH: That’s my boy!! Im so proud of you!!

Not in a good mood!!

Willow2010's picture

UGH…I don’t really know why I can’t shake this!! If I get mad, I get over it really quickly. DH and I both do usually.

A few days ago, SS invited BM and DH to Hawaii. It still grates my nerves that DH will just not tell SS that he would not want to take a vacation like that without his wife. But no..all he tells SS is that he just wont’ be able to swing it. Kind of made it sound like he could not afford it.

Just SMDH ...

Willow2010's picture

WTH! I do not even know why this surprises me!

SS is deployed and should be stateside in a few months. I am going to copy and paste his FB post from yesterday that he tagged DH and BM. Then please share your thoughts.

Mom and Dad!! I will be in Hawaii for a week next month for leave. They are letting me invite two people to stay for a week. Start saving money now, because I REALLY want it to be you two!! I will send details in a few weeks. Love you both!
