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Willow2010's Blog

Long Vent.

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Boy did my son pick a winner to knock up.  UGH.  She puts a lot of these BMs to shame. 

She has made DSs life a living hell.  She is a nut job and so is her family.  The CO (which she claims is NOT a legally binding contract) is very standard.  For the next two years, DS gets to pick 2 weeks for the summer visitation.       

I used to really love Christmas.

Willow2010's picture

So SS his wife and two boys have come for a visit.  Mainly to see BM but they did stay with us a few days.  It has been freaking AWFUL!  Thank goodness they are leaving today!!!  They are going out to BMs a few hours away.  I am still not sure if they will be back before they go back up north.  UGH

My life for the last few days….

SS lies about everything.  I means this next actually happened and it happened 100 times during his visit. 

SS:  I have not drank alcohol in about 6 months.      

DH:  That’s great

OT - Land Purchase

Willow2010's picture

Ok…anyone here a realtor?  I have a very OT question. 

We found some land we are wanting to buy from an individual.  It is only 2 acres and $10,000. 

We are paying cash.    I called a title company and after all of their fees it is almost $1,300 dollars to get a title policy and “close” on the property. 

Is there a way I can do this myself?  I really want the title policy to make sure the guy actually owns the land and make sure there are no owed taxes.  But I don’t want to pay SO much if it is something I can do.   

DSs Crazy Mediation with Crazy BM!

Willow2010's picture

  So my DS’s mediation with crazy pants, was as expected.  CRAZY!  She finally got a lawyer and came to THIS mediation.

  She came wanting a fight.  She wanted him to not have any rights and only hours a week of visitation.   

This kind of crap went on for 5 hours.  It was absurd.  But they finally came up with almost a regular normal EOWE schedule anyway.  So that was 6 thousand dollars wasted, just to get what DS should have had in the first place. 

Long time no post. LONG

Willow2010's picture

Good news…SS is now 25ish and lives across the country.  Still annoying as crap but it is all pretty good.  BM drama down to once every few years now.  After the last brouhaha, I don’t think her and DH will ever even talk again.  YAY!!   BM is fading from my life. 



Willow2010's picture

So back in mid December, I blogged that SS knocked up his wife. At the time gbaby was only 3ish months. And he has health issues. (BM is so giddy about grand baby health issues, it is disgusting).

Extra job ...

Willow2010's picture

So I am having some empty nest syndrome! I do get to see my grandbaby once a week but it is still weird to not have anyone living with us. (Even though it has been a few years. lol)

I am kind of in a rut and looking for things to fill up my time. I already garden but was thinking about maybe reselling on Amazon and Ebay. Figure I can make a little $$ while filling up my time. Lol.

Update to last blog.

Willow2010's picture

SS wife is now not pregnant. SS said she miscarried yesterday because she started bleeding. DH wanted to ask them if maybe…just maybe…she was 5 days late on her period and not even pregnant. But of course he did not. Lol

So now the miscarriage drama starts. They are both just so devastated. Crying, may need support groups and all. BM even announced on FB how they need some sort of ceremony for the passing of her grandchild. GAG.

Wow...Just wow SS.

Willow2010's picture

Just when you think these kids mature a bit.

SS and SDIL do not work. They only have one car. They are going to college part time and live far away. They afford all of this due to the GI bill. They had a baby like 3-4 ish months ago. Baby has minor health issues but will be having several surgeries over the next few years.

SS just told me that DIL is pregnant again. AND they have been trying for a few months to get pregnant. GAH!!
