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Wicked stepmo.'s Blog

Old habits die hard

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So last night BM stopped by to drop off clothes for precious princess because SO took a stand that he wasn't buying either SK anything.

Well PP conned her way into getting BM to drive an hour out of her way to drop PP off at BMs neices house because it's so horrible at our house.


Wicked stepmo.'s picture

So I made it through the weekend. Basically never even saw SKs. Spent Saturday with friends and Sunday with DS. It was actually a nice weekend.

Of course I am a grudge holder and still mad about the brush incident and SOs reaction as well as his overall making excuses for SKs behavior.

Things aren't looking good for SO right now and I think he knows it after my text this morning. I accidentally ripped the cereal bag opening it. So I sent SO a text with the following:

The misadventures of Stepparenthood

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

I have decided for my own therapeutic purposes to keep a daily blog. Now that SKs have been dropped on my doorstep because they are no longer allowed at BMs boyfriend's home. ( Kudos to him, can't blame the guy one bit) I am anticipating daily nonsense.

I plan to remain disengaged as much as possible. But have no idea if it will work or it's only a matter of time before I end up like BMs BF booting them to the curb. 

Life will definitely be a lot different between SO and I and that is my concern and if our relationship will survive having them here 24/7. 


Wicked stepmo.'s picture

I often wonder how SO feels seeing my interactions with BS as compared to his interactions with SKs.

By no means is my child perfect. But he and I have a great relationship. DS always does what he is asked. Never disrespects me. He enjoys spending time with me and never complains about the activity, I enjoy hanging out with him. He is very affectionate towards me and always tells me he loves me. 

Friday night entertainment

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

YSD has until midnight tonight to hand in her midterms. She has not done any of them. I am thoroughly enjoying watching SO and BM text back and forth about YSD needing to get them finished, and complaining about her not doing her work, all the while neither of them are actually addressing it with YSD. 

Parenting at its finest. 

Not the ideal outcome but a SP reality.

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

After the karma bus ran over BM and SO. SO had an awakening that PP (precious princess) is actually a bad seed in need of serious help. Hallelujah!!! 

I already have my conclusions of how this will all end up being the observer over the last few years. But SO is emotionally involved and wants what's best for PP, which is unrealistic because of BM but understandable none the less. 

What a great way to start the weekend!

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

Getting to watch the karma bus run over BM and SO.

As sick and twisted as normal people would view my current feelings, I am actually giddy watching BM and SOs current situation.

Last year when OSD started acting out here. I was blamed and scapegoated by first BM and eventually SO because over time it was easier to blame me than except the truth.

Being opportunistic

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

Yesterday progress reports came out. I was fully aware OSD is now failing adding to her compounding issues that both parents find ways to ignore and /or justify as "Normal" teenage behavior. 

Last year when OSDs issues began to become problematic I convinced SO to take her to counseling. She went 3x before moving in with BM and they both decided I was the problem.

Here is where we are at today.

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

I still am in IDC mode. SO is teetering between self pity and suck up to GF mode. The issue I have is he is still in his funk and completely useless it's like living alone with a warm body. So I find myself still annoyed with him because he should start to learn by now and stop living for OSD who is not here, and start putting more effort into his relationships with those of us who are.
