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Wicked stepmo.'s picture

I often wonder how SO feels seeing my interactions with BS as compared to his interactions with SKs.

By no means is my child perfect. But he and I have a great relationship. DS always does what he is asked. Never disrespects me. He enjoys spending time with me and never complains about the activity, I enjoy hanging out with him. He is very affectionate towards me and always tells me he loves me. 

SKs on the other hand are unpleasant to take anywhere because they complain, argue or make a scene. They talk back to thier father all day, yell and scream at him. They will almost never do anything they are asked unless they want something.  They are mean to SO and tell him they don't like him, unless of course they want something. Basically the only time they want anything to do with him is when they want something.

I couldn't imagine how that feels and having to watch everyday what a normal parent child relationship looks like. SO never says anything about it. But he tries very hard to have the same relationship with BS and always wants him to hang out with him. 


JRI's picture

We had a similar dynamic hete but my DH is so blinded by love of his kids that his mind turned it all into positives, like spunky, rebellious (with a good connotation), fighters, etc.  Whatever.

justmakingthebest's picture

Things are similar with my kids. I can tell it bothers him that mine are pretty awesome most of the time.  However, I have noticed, more so lately, that if one of mine has a teenage attitude flare up for even a moment, he will make a comment like- well, mine isn't the only one who can be an ass. (Always to me alone, never in front of the kids). I just roll my eyes. He is just trying to make things level in his own mind. 

Kiwichick's picture

Same here. DP has commented that I've done a better job raising my kids than he has with his. I think it bothers him seeing the differences between my kids and his. His will do something 100x and he'll gloss over it or ignore it, but if one of mine does something once he'll point out that my kids aren't perfect either. Then he'll hold onto that one incident for weeks or months as proof my kids are as bad as his. BTW I've never even thought let alone claimed my kids are anywhere near perfect (but I sure as h*ll believe they're better behaved than his lol).

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

Thinking about it, if my child was that way I would probably have to mentally disassociate to cope. But I certainly wouldn't want to have what it's supposed to be like in my face everyday.

Like if you are recently single and depressed about it, the last thing you want to be around are gushing happy couples.