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He found out what it feels like and he didn't like it!

TXpollyanna's picture

My DH now knows what it feels like to be treated like poop and he doesn't think it feels so good.

The "surprise" party for my SD is tonight - family (Her mother/Sdad and sister) will be here in town from out of state. Ex wife called DH yesterday and said "you are not invited, it is my surprise, I traveled all this way and I don't you, your wife or her kid (adult kid) there either". He was mad and hurt.

I heave read on this site, time and time again, about how sooner or later they will see things from my side and until they do, the nasty behavior will continue. I read those things and told myself it was never going to happen so I just needed to grow "a pair" and turn my back on the Skids and move on. I never thought in a million years it would have happened to him. I thought they all were just fine with treating me like poop and that they would never do it to eachother. I was WRONG!

What goes around, comes around. I'm thinking - someone is rethinking their behavior....big time!


Most Evil's picture

Ha, ha, ha ha ha-!!!! It is a shame it took that for you to get the support you deserve-!! HUGS

Kes's picture

Well, if that is what it takes to make your DH see the light, I am glad it happened. Maybe now he will "grow a pair" as you have had to do.

TXpollyanna's picture

Friday 9:30 p.m.
That didn't last long....freaks, all of them!!!!!

ME:"So, what are you doing tomorrow?"
HIM: "to the shore - water park"
ME: "okay" SD#1 is going to XXXX Festival
HIM: "doing that Sunday"
ME: "Why are you doing that? SD1 going and we (you and I always go"
HIM: "She can do what she wants with her BM. When will I ever go with SD2? YOu and I can go any time"
ME: "Never mind, you do what you want, I won't make any more suggestions"
BOTH SD's - I look over smiling at one another......

ME (in my head) F*** You if you think I am going to that festival with you again and you damn brats can bite my ass.

Nothing short of a sledge hammer is going to get through his thick freakin head!!!!!

Advice to all y'all thinking of marrying someone who has kids from a previous relationship.....RUN!!!!!!!!