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TXpollyanna's Blog

The changed man left and the insensitive boob is back

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Do you ever just want to kick yourself in the a** for believing they might change?

I thought once he was treated like crap by his ex he understood how it felt and would stop acting that way too. Apparently he was upset by the way the ex treated him but didn't see the connection between what she did and what he does. "It isn't the same damn thing at all!" He is more screwed up than I am!

He found out what it feels like and he didn't like it!

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My DH now knows what it feels like to be treated like poop and he doesn't think it feels so good.

The "surprise" party for my SD is tonight - family (Her mother/Sdad and sister) will be here in town from out of state. Ex wife called DH yesterday and said "you are not invited, it is my surprise, I traveled all this way and I don't you, your wife or her kid (adult kid) there either". He was mad and hurt.

They aren't even here yet and I want to throw up

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Okay, DH tells me last night that I probably would not be invited to join in ANYTHING the family that is visiting will be doing because (and I quote) "they probably are going to feel like they aren't coming here to visit you, so you don't need to go." What the F does that mean? It means - You aren't invited cuz they aren't here visiting with you, they are visiting me and I am not going to tell them it's rude. In fact, he actually told me that him telling the Skids it was rude was no different then making him choose sides which he will not do.

another weekend under our belts

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Another weekend down and a crazy one to come. SD and family coming to visit the SD living here in 4 days (with mother and stepdad).
Trying the "positive self talk" to prepare myself and my man. I gotta do something because all the negative possibilities could eat me alive. Why does it take as much energy to think positive as it does to think negative thoughts?

Not sure how I feel

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I don't know where to begin, I only know that it seems that everyone on here is going through similar things. I hope this place will make me feel not so alone.

I am married, 2 years we have been together for 7 and have known one another for 24+ years. I have one daughter (23) and he has 2 (28 and 30) the 28 year old lives with us in TX and the 30 year old (with her 10 year old son) lives in NY with her mother. The 28 year old SD came to live with us in May to start her life "over" after a second engagement that ended in a bad break up.