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txcajunmom's Blog

bm tries to take advantage of dh

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So bm calls dh last weekend to asked, "i know you are paying cs but can you buy ss6 a pair of shoes for school" now normally that would not be a prob except for the fact that ss6 is not really dh's son. he "assumed" the role of daddy for the short time they were together because dh and bm had a son together and ss6 did not have a father figure. they split up when ss6 was about 1 year old. he comes to our house eow with ss9 but for the past few months, he does not want to come over anymore.

why is it that bm always sends her sick kids to my house?

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as i sit here sick and worrying about my sick babies dd3 and ds4 months...i am starting to hate bm even more (i didnt think that was possible lol) so the bm is always sending her very sick kids to my house. i mean flu, bad cold, stomach virus, you name it, they have had it and came over to my house with it. as a mother i dont understand how you can send your sick kids away. now i understand that they are kids and are going to have things sometimes but when you know they have something very contagious and we have a new baby, keep your kids at home like a good mother!!

dh is blind when it comes to his child...

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So this weekend was his weekend and he stepped out for a few minutes and while he was gone, ss9 started singing to himself while he was playing his ps3. he was singing a song that was so not age appropriate. i didn't say anything to him because i did not want to have to explain to him what it was that he was saying if he didnt alreay know and have to get into that convo with him so i texted dh and told him what he was singing.

so the skids didnt come this weekend...YAY!!!!!!!

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so excited i finally got a weekend with just MY kids!! dh was supposed to get his son and the one that isnt really his but she sends along anyway...but for some reason he didnt and boy was she mad!!! and i LOVED it!! she was txting him all kinds of ugly messages that she needed a break and wanted to go out for a drink and blah blah blah...oh well if you cant handle your kids you shouldnt have had them hooka!! i have 2 kids and never have a babysitter and i love every minute i spend with them even when they are driving me nuts!!

going broke becuase dh feels guilty

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so every time we have ss/10 he expects a new ps3 game($20-50) and dh always tells him next payday...when we are struggling financially becuase we pay so much for cs every of course next week comes along and we get crying and tantrums because he wants a new game so dh buys it!! i'm sorry but my other kids dont get 20-50 dollar gifts every other week!! i dont care if he feels guilty for not being there all the time with his son but i cant afford it! his son expects to go skating or to the movies $20 a pop everyweekend at our expense...NO!!

anyone else deal with possessive bm??

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so this girl treats dh as if he is her property and it irritates me!! for instance, at his family gatherings, when she dropped of sd, she gets out of the car walks to the back yard screaming his name looking for him (we were at a after party if you will for a baby's baptism) and hollerd at him infront of his ENTIRE family about something that could have been discussed quietly...i was preg for our first child at the time so i just let if slide and hoped that he would grow a pair and set her straight and he just told her something to shut up and walked off and she left.

just mama drama

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so this is my first post and it will be long but i promis very bm and dh were in an on/off again relationship for about 6 years...during that time period they had their daughter now 10. during one of their "off agains" she became preg with another child from another man. dh went back to her "for the sake of his dd". the father of the second child went to prison, dh became "dad" to this child also. things did not work out, dh left again and for good this time and we met and began seeing each other about 6 months after their split.
