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so the skids didnt come this weekend...YAY!!!!!!!

txcajunmom's picture

so excited i finally got a weekend with just MY kids!! dh was supposed to get his son and the one that isnt really his but she sends along anyway...but for some reason he didnt and boy was she mad!!! and i LOVED it!! she was txting him all kinds of ugly messages that she needed a break and wanted to go out for a drink and blah blah blah...oh well if you cant handle your kids you shouldnt have had them hooka!! i have 2 kids and never have a babysitter and i love every minute i spend with them even when they are driving me nuts!! lol so i guess her acting like an arse last weekend and trying to start mess with me and dh backfired on her...oh well muahahahaha


dakotamom's picture

Im so jealous of you with no skids. I had both this weekend, ss17 went back to BMs for work on Saturday morning and ss15 stayed and wants to stay until August you have ANY idea how far away that is?!?!? I wanted to cry when DH said that would be fine. I think I will be checking to see if picking up OT at work is possible.

dakotamom's picture

I love spending time with DH, but those skids make me think differently about being home. it's automatic bad mood.