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just mama drama

txcajunmom's picture

so this is my first post and it will be long but i promis very bm and dh were in an on/off again relationship for about 6 years...during that time period they had their daughter now 10. during one of their "off agains" she became preg with another child from another man. dh went back to her "for the sake of his dd". the father of the second child went to prison, dh became "dad" to this child also. things did not work out, dh left again and for good this time and we met and began seeing each other about 6 months after their split. i became preg with our dd/3 and we have been together ever since. she absolutely lost her mind (she's on drugs so there's not much to loose) when she found out we were expecting. she's gone off and had another child with a different father, who is friends with the second childs father...real high class... lol anywho, my point is dh left when the second child that is not biologically his was 6 months old. the childs real father came out of prison for a short period of time before being returned for a seperate offence, but during that time she was sending the child with him and then on dh's weekends with his son, sending the other one with us too. now i know this child needs a father but i dont feel like it's fair that dh's dd should have to share her father or my dd/3 and now ds/4 months old. the child does not even want to come to our house most of the time, she just doesn't want to deal with him and dh's dd has told dh on several times that she doesnt want to share him and that he has his own daddy. She is constantly causing problems between us and telling dh that he is abandoning his "children"for me which is not true! sd wants to come live with us but bm will never allow that, she would no longer get her cs!! not sure what to do, i'm tired of dealing with her and all her crazy mess she makes and so close to leaving...


stepkate's picture

So, the kid doesn't want to be there, you don't want him/her there...does your DH want to see him/her? If not, I would refuse the childcare. Kids benefit from having a father figure, but I think it could be reversely detrimental to the child to just try to attach them to the nearest available male, specifically if he doesn't feel some strong bond or love for the child.

Mommywood's picture

I agree stepkate. If no one but BM has anything to gain from the situation, then you shouldnt be dealing with it.

I do have sympathy for this little boy put in the middle, but if you really see that he doesnt enjoy being with you, and your DH doesnt have any kind of attachment to him, then its not your problem. Just dont get clouded with the anger you have over irresponsible BM (i know i do), and let it out on the little boy.

stepmasochist's picture

I have a situation that's somewhat similar. DH met BM and from what I've been told, they were never really in a relationship, but SD11 resulted in a couple-of-nights stand. DH has always supported SD. When SD was 3, he wanted to try and make his "family" work so he moved BM from several states away to live with him. She brought with her a 1 year old daughter that she got pregnant with while married to another man - BUT she's not that man's kid. Classy, right? DH's family has told me that they discussed it with him at the time and he decided that since he was likely the only dad this child would ever know, then he would own up to that commitment to the fullest and he became her father too. We have no idea who her real father is and aren't even sure BM knows.

While DH and BM were living together and trying to make it work, BM soon became pregnant again with her third child. Almost as an afterthought, DH married her during the final stages of the pregnancy that resulted in SS now 6. Shortly after SS was born, BM complained that DH didn't make enough money so he took a job that put him on the road 10 days on, 4 days off. When SS was about 6 months old, DH came home to find BM had moved in a druggie boyfriend and kicked DH out of their house. Soon after, he was slapped with exorbitant CS and felt trapped working on the road and unable to help his kids by being there for them though he fully funded BM's druggie lifestyle.

I met DH a year and a half to two years later and convinced him, he wasn't powerless. He didn't have to let his children be raised by a meth junkie. He got custody of all 3 kids two years ago, BM cleaned up her act and they stay with her EOWknd, but pays no CS ... for now.

I have to say, if she's on drugs, he shouldn't leave his child(ren?) in that situation. If you can, you should try for custody. Start documenting all of her crazy behavior. Start writing to law enforcement and visit the courthouse in the area and get all the dirt you can, documentation of arrests, convictions. Be sure and get all the info on whatever boyfriends she's had living with her for the past two years. If you believe things are really bad in her home, call CPS on her.

It is a lot of drama, but you can take control of the situation. As for the the kid that's not DH's kid, if he's never developed a close relationship with him, then it is what it is. BM can't force DH to be a free babysitter to a kid he has no real attachment to. He needs to put his foot down and tell BM she's living in a fantasy world.

txcajunmom's picture

thanks for all the responses...yes they do have a bond but lately the kid just doesnt want to be at our house, if we get him, he stays a few hours then cries to go home or when dh goes to pick up sd, he tells him he doesnt want to dh doen't force him. then the phone calls and the texts start!! she is the only one forcing him to come to the house so she can "have a break" as she told me...well i'm sorry i have 2 children of my own plus his eow and every weekend in the summer and i never complain to have a break!! she doesnt work what does she need a break from?????!!! if you dont want them around maybe she should have thought of that before she started popping out children left and right for 3 different men!!! sorry had to get that out!! i cant stand this girl!

txcajunmom's picture

sorry, i'm not is so stupid that she told me that she was going to change the boys last name to my husbands, but would not put child support on him...OMG are you serious???? you have to adopt children to be court ordered to pay child support not just change the name!! i guess i just get mad because we are semi struggling financially and this girl expects us to pay for this kids school supplies, clothes, etc...we have our OWN children that we have to provide for and if she's so concerend for him not having the things he needs she needs to get a job!! she lives off child support from us and baby daddy#3 and lives in a hud house!! feeding her new bf with her food stamps!! ugh!! }:)

stepmasochist's picture

DH paid CS on SD9 (which isn't his) for 3 years. BM slapped him with CS when he was unable to attend the hearing. He paid it all along, never said anything. She lied on the CS order saying DH was her bio-father. That's how we came to have custody of her. When DH got custody, BM called and was like - I'll pay you back that money just give her back to me. What a loser, she basically sold one of her kids for less than $20k. We don't want her money, which it's hugely doubtful she could ever repay anyway.

I'm so excited though. The CS order from 2005 said BM was to change SD9's name - that was FIVE years ago and she never did it. We didn't realize we could have just sent that order in all along until recently. I sent it in yesterday and she's going to start third grade with our last name and the last name of her brother and sister. I'm so glad for that!!

Mommywood's picture

ahh! dont get me started on women living off govt benefits... my BM is the perfect example. she complains she doesnt have money for diapers and daycare or anything else. DH has NEVER been late on CS, and he pays her a pretty decent amount (kinda tempted me to take DH for CS to get some extra cash haha jk) she gets food stamps, CCMS, so she pays almost nothing for daycare (while we pay full price for BD), and housing, so her rent is nothing. she doesnt buy ss clothes, obviously- because hes still wearing clothes i bought him 2 yrs ago that fit him snug.. all she needs to spend on is diapers, which in reality SS shouldnt be in because hes 4 1/2, but she refuses to go through with potty training when we keep stressing it to her. oh well. venting. sorry. totally O/T!!!

stepmasochist's picture

A 4 1/2 year old in diapers? She outta be ashamed.

Our BM gets $500 a month food stamps for kids she only sees EOWknd. She's a total fraud! That's more than we spend on groceries and we have the kids the rest of the time! No wonder she's put on about 50 pounds in the last year and a half.

txcajunmom's picture

well i am just really tired of bm deliberately causing us problems becuase she is so unhappy in her life....i mean the girl has threated to tell the little boy that his "daddy" doesn't love him anymore becuase he has a new son...if he didnt come pick him up. that's just sick!! she also threated to tell me that she slept with dh in my bed if he didnt come get her son. i am sooo tired of her!! i dont want MY kids seeing this and it makes me so sad that her kids dont have a choice...