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Tuff Noogies's Blog

financial assistance - O/T

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dh and i are really in a bind. i'm not really sure where to turn, so i figured i'd ask you guys for ideas.

fact of the matter is, we're broke. from the time of his wreck, then work injury, carrying two mortgages for over a year, up to today's current situation, we've gone through everything in the bank and ran our credit cards up. the interest is KILLING US.

am i being too sensitive?

Tuff Noogies's picture

i'm not sure if this is even an issue, or just something that's grating my nerves because i'm stressed about other things, so i figured i'd throw it out there for some feedback.

what in the H3LL is it with how kids word/phrase things? sometimes it seems so rude and disrespectful to me, but to dh and lots of other parents/adults, it doesn't even make them think twice. it's almost as if common courtesy has gone out the window and they just speak in terms of matter-of-fact.

"i need a drink."
"it's time to get up."
"i need xyz for school."

IRS issues

Tuff Noogies's picture

aaaaand yet again, our tax returns have been rejected. why, you ask? hmmmm.....

"R0000-507-01 - Someone has already filed a return with the IRS this year using your dependent's Social Security number (SSN)."

*sigh* i am sick of dealing with this $#!t every. single. effing. year. so, if there are any tax professionals or accountants around, would you mind advising a friend???? pretty please?

totally O/T - i need hairstyle ideas

Tuff Noogies's picture

the forum post about appearances gave me the urge to make myself feel pretty today. i actually just put makeup on, which i rarely do (maybe once every week or two). i also want to let my hair down - 98% of the time, it's in a bun. the other 2% of the time it's in a ponytail, braid, or let loose with the front/top pulled back.

O/T - furbaby help/advice

Tuff Noogies's picture

as ya'll know, i have 3 squirrels. my youngest is disabled. he's had physical therapy and steroid treatment, but he's about as good as he'll ever get. due to this, his growth has been hampered and he's very small for his age. his back left leg is about 95% useless and it drags. for this reason, his knee and his knuckles are completely bald. but it's the knee concerns me most. as he moves around, the naked skin has gotten raw and has recently started bleeding.

oh MIL....

Tuff Noogies's picture

well. before i start this off i will have to give some backstory... MIL totally favors oss. she always has. lurch and kaos both see it (ouch!). even to the exclusion of her own d@mn ONLY son.

O/T - food

Tuff Noogies's picture

zero's blog has inspired me, with the talk of comfort food and honey baked ham and german Christmas dinner!

so, aside from what we're doing for Christmas, and our schedules with relation to steps - what are ya'll cooking?

i dont cook much due to eating habits that dh has allowed. but thanksgiving and Christmas i do. and i do it because i want to, because it's special to me. everyone loves my cooking Smile

stop the insanity! lets have some FUN!!!!

Tuff Noogies's picture

lets have some creative fun today - limericks, anyone?
or changing up song lyrics or something to specifically discuss your step-situation???

i have a limerick. i came up with this the other day and dh is my biggest fan...

there once was a meth-addled wh0re
who ph*cked all the nasties galore
to score her some meth
and smoke it to death
and yet time with her kids is a chore.
