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What a Waste of a Weekend

Triggerfishgal's picture

I came down with a stomach flu Friday, and ended up being admitted to the hospital for extreme dehydration. First kid free weekend in 3 weeks straight, the most gorgeous weather we have had since spring, and I spent it with the non-sparkley vampires drawing blood every few hours.

FDH (who becomes DH this Saturday) spend every moment at the hospital he could. He only left to walk the dogs, then would come back and stay til visiting hours were over. He went to the store and made sure there was plenty of Gatorade, crackers, and chicken broth for when I got out. What a sweetheart.

Somehow, though, we have FSS8 this Friday til 8:30 because "we don't have him for 2 weekends straight." Ummm, we HAD him 2 weekends straight before this past weekend, so why is she insisting on us having him late this Friday? Answer: we get married the next day, and I bet you anything BM is trying to see if 1) we tell FSS8 the wedding is the next day, and 2) if we will change our minds if he is there anyway, let him stay and "be in the wedding" like she wants us to do. I'll let y'all know what happens. FDH has already reassured me that FSS8 WILL be going home on time with BM. If she is late, I will be emailing her and letting her know exactly how unacceptable that is from this point on.


wriggsy's picture

Early Congratulations Triggerfishgal! And I hope you are feeling all better!!

Triggerfishgal's picture

I am, thanks. Nothing like 4 bags of fluids to make you feel better. On the plus side (literally), it made my bra size go to a C cup for a few days!