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Thiskidwilldrivemecrazy's Blog

So, so glad I asked them to leave!

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Just about 2 months ago, I asked my boyfriend and his now 13 yr old (ADHD/oppositional defiant)son to find another place to live. The moved occurred on July 15 and although it was a major stress relief to have them gone, it became even MORE apparent last week that I had made the right decision. BF went to court last Friday only to have his ex state that she no longer wanted to have custody anymore (it was previously shared custody).

10 days and counting

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On June 8th, I'd had enough. Enough of my boyfriend's 12 yr old son and his smart attitude, mouth, and disrespect. Enough of my boyfriend always defending his sons bad behavior and allowing his son to treat me with disrespect. I asked him to find another place to live. (His son lived with us except for the EOW he went to his moms.)

SAD but also feeling a little RELIEF

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Last night, boyfriends 12 yr old son tells me 'what are YOU looking at?' in a very snotty tone. I looked at BF and said, you need to say something to him...that is completely disrespectful. BF says nothing to him (later says he didn't hear it). I told him "this is exactly what I keep telling you that I am tired of and not going to put up with any longer. If you can't set that kid straight then you and he need to pack your stuff and find somewhere else to live because I can't take his smartass attitude any longer.".

What do you think about this?

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I know everyone has their quirks and can be a bi-atch from time to time but I don't think I am being unreasonable with the following expectations from SS that is 2 months away from being 13. Boyfriend gets bent out of shape ANY TIME I remind his son about the following things. So, please, tell me, I am just being a bitch for expecting the following (he has been in my house for 3 years now and none of these rules have changed but I still have to remind him CONSTANTLY then an argument with boyfriend normally follows).

Home alone with GUNS

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SS12 will be home alone this evening for a few times(for the first time). Boyfriend has always been OK with it but I haven't and for several valid reasons. Anyway, I HAD to get away from the kid so dear daughter and I are running out to get some things before her graduation in 2 weeks. I asked boyfriend to lock our bedroom door because I don't have gun locks on my pistol and shotgun (never needed them - he's never been there alone before). Boyfriend gets angry and tells me NO he's not and to leave him alone. I said, are you kidding?

I really can't stand SS12

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Boyfriend is working nights tonight and has allowed his son to play with the neighbor boy again (the one he got caught smoking with). He was supposed to be home at 6:30...not! He also knows he is NOT allowed to hop my fence as they are tearing it up every time they do. At 7:36pm I got a nice little video of him pushing down the wire and hopping over the fence. Since he came home over an hour late , I locked the front door on him and made him wait outside on the back porch for about 10 min. Then he proceeds to get in the shower and he knows he has a time limit.

Is this considered 'appropriate' disengaging?

Thiskidwilldrivemecrazy's picture

My boyfriend finally says he understands the disengaging I've discussed with him regarding his son, 12 yrs. I still don't think he really does because he stood in the kitchen this morning as I was getting ready to leave for work (he doesn't go in until tonight) and asked me if I would make his son a sandwich. (What? you're already up and you're you're right there!) I said, "no, you need to be responsible for him". That irritated him. Then he calls me at work this morning and asked if I wanted him to make some spaghetti for his son to have for dinner tonight.

I am about ready to call it quits

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Things between my boyfriend and I have been strained since the incident last week when his 12 yr old son told me (3x) that he was not going to cut the grass and my boyfriend got into a huge fight with me over it.

Then, after his BM decided not to get him and I couldn't keep this child (cause I already had plans) while his dad worked, I am made out to be the bad guy.

BM doesn't want to get her son this weekend for Mother's Day

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This is BM's weekend. My boyfriend is supposed to take his son to BM at 6pm this Friday. Son has a soccer game at 6pm so father has asked BM if he can drop him off at her house after the game so he doesn't miss his game. First she says NO and says it's cutting into her time. Next she says she doesn't want to get him this weekend after all. Here's the boyfriend is on day shift this weekend so that means he expects the 12 yr son to stay with me...not happening! I am attending my nieces recital on Saturday and the tickets are sold out so I can't keep him.
