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I don't understand. How can I love someone who hurts me so deep? I'm insignificant to him, but he is my world.
So he called his sister about the easter/bday mix up. I thought he'd work something out so we could all get a bit of what we want.
He found out that it was on the day he first said... Easter. So he said she can take sd for that time.

Two more boundaries, what do you think?

Thetis's picture

Here are two more boundaries that came up while I was talking to my mom.

5. Do not expect me to give up family time to visit with Munchkin's family. They are no relation to me or our kids.

It would be best if we could get an hour or so for gift openings, but that is Bms time with Munchkin. We should not interfer and you should not expect me to give up time with my family to be with them.

6. Do not expect me to put our child(ren) into undesirable situations just to make your relationship with BM/or visitation easier.


Thetis's picture

Part of me trying to get rid of this pain and anger towards Dh is us talking about how we are going to proceed with this "relationship" with Bm. I don't hate her. I'm actually quite sure I could eventually get along with her and that is what I am hoping for. But I feel like my feelings are being stomped on to make his interactions with her easier. And that is not fair. So I have told him I want us to have a serious discussion about boundaries and respect.

Last names.... (Vote and honest opinions)

Thetis's picture

So me and FDH are not going to get married before the baby is born. I can not promise to spend the rest of my life with someone who I feel has not learnt how to show me respect yet. He may change, he may not, either way this baby is coming into the world.
I think it should have my last name. I told Dh that untill he can promise to be in my life for the rest of my life, the person who will be in my life will share my name. If we get married, we can change it. (It's kinda expensive I know, but its possible)

Will he ever respect me?

Thetis's picture

So yesterday was Bm's older sister's Bday. She is a friend of both mine and Dh. We met her and her husband at the bar for a couple drinks and surprise! Bm was there. No biggie right? So I sipped my virgin ceasar and Dh had one drink while we all talked. It wasn't bad. Our friend kept Bm in her place expecailly when she tried to talk about her labour and pregnancy. I know I'm pregnant but I don't want to know what it was like for you!!!

Wedding, or no?

Thetis's picture

To all the moms out there!

I'm thinking about having a tiny wedding with my Fdh and then renewing my vows in a big wedding five years from now. My mom says once this baby comes I will be too busy to have a wedding.

What are your opinions? (My mom is almost always right, I just don't want to plan a big wedding in a month!)


Thetis's picture

Ok so my SIL is going to be in town for her SS's first birthday. Its the weekend of April 1st.... Easter.

We have my Sd that weekend so I have already gone out and made some pretty good plans with the Easter Bunny (and my parents for easter dinner). Now DH tells me that SIL thinks SD SHOULD be at this birthday party because this is her cousin now!

More opinions?

Thetis's picture

I am due July 20th, I have been wondering if it would be better for me and Dh to take his daughter before or after (or some sort of split) the baby is born for our month of visitation? If it is before, I will be responsible for watching her while Dh is at work during the day, where as he'll be on paternity leave after the baby is born.
