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Two more boundaries, what do you think?

Thetis's picture

Here are two more boundaries that came up while I was talking to my mom.

5. Do not expect me to give up family time to visit with Munchkin's family. They are no relation to me or our kids.

It would be best if we could get an hour or so for gift openings, but that is Bms time with Munchkin. We should not interfer and you should not expect me to give up time with my family to be with them.

6. Do not expect me to put our child(ren) into undesirable situations just to make your relationship with BM/or visitation easier.

Our children should not have to travel long distances, just so you don't have to be alone, just to turn around once we get there. If you want us to come, make it fun. Take them to a park or something.
Our children should not have to visit with Munchkin's other family. Maybe eventually they'll know Bm, but not the rest of her crazy family. Bm's sister will be a family friend NOT an aunt.


Thetis's picture

I'm going to assume from the lack of comments that everything I have said is reasonable and I'm not being crazy.

belleboudeuse's picture

I think this is pretty reasonable, Thetis. How d'you think he'll react?


You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved

TheWife's picture

I think this is reasonable as well. I am inspecting your guidelines for the makings of a Crazy BM, and so far, I see none.


Rome wasn't built in a day, and my marriage won't be either.

Thetis's picture

lol As in I'm not going insane with baby-mamma-hormones??? I'm trying not to go crazy but he really makes me feel like I'm not normal because I feel this way. I don't know if he does this on purpose or not but it actually sent me to councilling. (Where they told me I'm normal and completely rational)