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A Reprieve

the_stepmonster's picture

DH and I got a reprieve from the steps this past weekend. For those of you who don't know, we get them EOWe, which directly correlates with how often DH and I get into an argument. We were supposed to get them Friday but BM informed us that SD9 had a sleepover and that SD11 and SD4 wanted to spend the weekend with her parents.

First, this is complete BS. The skids spend every weekend they are not with us with her parents. Second, I am willing to bet that there are ulterior motives involved. 1) SD9's sleepover was most likely a block away from her parents' home and she was too lazy to drive the hour and a half back to drop the rest of the skids with us. Or 2) She is looking to switch weekends with us so that we actually have them next weekend.

I already told DH that she didn't give us the option, plus we made plans for this next weekend that do not involve them. I also looked at BM's FB page and noticed that she has plans to go out on Friday night. I KNOW she will be pulling the switcharoo on us and DH will be too chicken $h!* to put his foot down. Don't get me wrong, I don't necessarily dread them coming over anymore, but I just hate that BM has the ability to dictate our weekends because DH would rather not get into a confrontation. He completely doesn't see the point and is always willing to get them when she offers. And although I thought I had been getting along with them better, the last time they were here, SD9 was a complete brat and I had my fill of her. I don't understand how three little girls can come from the same family, two of them be perfectly nice and normal, and one of them be a spoiled, entitled, whiny brat. As a refresher, SD9, who I normally spend alot of time with (help her play with her hair, take her to the store with me, play games with her) informed DH that I am mean to her and that she wishes he had never married me. As you can tell I'm SOOOOO excited to see her again.


DaizyDuke's picture

we get them EOWe, which directly correlates with how often DH and I get into an argument

This is sooooo true!

Sorry I got nothing else on this one, other than I feel your pain

overit2's picture

YES, you can bet she's trying to switch...I HATE THAT! I have this BAD feeling that this coming wknd BM will send SD over to spend 'halloween wknd' w/dad since halloween day SD will not come over as originally planned.

I remember several months back BM wanting to swap this wknd ...and he said no-not that NO means anything to them.

I asked SD last wknd (before hell broke lose) if she was spending halloween night w/us as planned, because she had really wanted to, but no, her mom but her front row tkts to something she really likes instead.....but she says "well i can come the wknd though'...I said nope, no point in that because the boys are at their dads Smile

BUT WATCH...I BET my bottom dollar BM will pull something this wknd. And honestly-I don't care, he can kiss her ass again and agree to it, stand up to her or whatever, i'll do my own damn thing.

the_stepmonster's picture

I wish I could but I have zero contact with that woman (which is for the best since I would have no problem telling her that her children should be showering daily when they are in her care and that a real mother doesn't need so much time away from her children). DH handles everything BM, and quite poorly I might add. He is so terrified that she will take him back to court for even more CS that he basically kisses her @$$ whenever it concerns the kids.