Sweet T's Blog
Bs at his dad's for the week.
So Bs is at his dad's for the week he left last night. The house is pretty quiet. I am doing what any good bm should do. Tonight I worked late, let DH make dinner and drank 2 glasses of cabernet. DH bathed wiener princess and we spoiled her and miss kitty...oh and I dropped off cinnamon butter to bs' s buddy the neighbor boy that I brought home from work. He was telling me how much he loves cinnamon when we were hanging out Saturday with him.
Good evening, I miss the boy but I always fill this week with lots of stuff.
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Things I wish I had heard from my spouse when I was a step mom.
I really make it a point to thank my husband for being a great step dad. He is not perfect and is working on some of his own issues but... he is so great to BS10 and I appreciate it.
Today is his day off and bs has been staying home with him and they hang out. They always have something fun up their sleeve. Today he offered Dave and Busters but BS just wanted to hang out at home and play wiffle ball with him. They had a blast.
He helped out with little league this summer, he makes his lunch for him every day. These are all things he does because he wants to.
Bs 10 asking questions.
So ex does not speak to his parents. He made up a horrible lie about his brother ( I know it is not true because of what he told me when we were first together and what his new victim version is) .They are nice people but I have distanced my self as they are not my family and I have my own.
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Miss Kitty is running the joint
The gate is down and the cat now roams where ever she wishes. She will even sit on one side of me on the couch while the dog sits on the other side of me. The dog wants to be buddies...cat is not there yet.
I have actually not seen the 9 year old dog be as playful as she has been lately.
All this in 3 weeks time! We are very glad we caved and took her.
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Child support and day care interesting info
So initially when we divorced I allowed ex to pay me directly but this year decided to go through the state. It has been interesting.
So my case is divided into 3 parts, the child support, his portion of the health insurance that I carry on bs10 and his portion of daycare costs.
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2 more weeks of day care expenses.
Last night when I was balancing my bank account it hit me, BE has 2 more weeks of summer program daycare and then fingers crossed we are done forever!!!!
The summer plan runs me 175.00 a week so it gets pretty spend and that is really the cheapest option and is through the school. My ex pays 153.00 a month of the 700.00 expense and I pay the rest.
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The gate is down!!
We are blending:)! We have taken down the gate and they have been around each other...no chasing no hissing, just cautious and curious. One day shy of 2 weeks. I am super proud of the fur babies.
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Ot..sort of.
What do you do when everything someone does just pi$$es you off..also taking into effect that they are the type of person who just doesn't take criticism, tactful or otherwise we'll.
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Omg my ex is a piece of work.
Since we divorced over 3 years ago he has gone through 3 bearded dragons, one cat and put one dog to sleep. With in a week of the dog he got another. He bought bs10 a bird for his birthday...which he is afraid to hold and ex has threatened to give away if he doesn't start holding him.
So as you know we took in miss kitty. Bs loves her and she is crazy about him. He almost got her down stairs. So I told ex and SM last week we were taking kitty in. Ex made a smart ass remark about cats and hoarders... My home is very clean..
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Kitty update
So miss kitty is in love with me lol. She wants love from me at night and is super affectionate.
She his under bs' s bed last night so wiener had to sleep down stairs but then came in our room in the night needing pets and wanting to give me kisses.
Today she has the run except for bs's room while wiener is kenneled.
Tonight we will go love up miss wiener and then kitty. I told bs we will go read in my room and I am sure she will come out and visit. She is skittish but just wants my attention.
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