Sweet T's Blog
Do u think if one parent communicates information to one parent the other should acknowledge it.
Our son has baseball camp this week that I paid for and is not on exes visitation time. He knows that the camp is this week...and being a huge baseball fan himself should be so excited for our son. I texted that he might beat me to my house on.friday because I am picking son up after work and it is further from my work place than from work to home. If traffic is bad I might be a few minutes late. No response... I feel that is rude... but that is me.
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Touches my heart
Two things happened today that touch my heart.
This morning BM1 called on her way down to the state both my former step sons are now going to college at. She is following them down there. The boys did the final walk through on their childhood home today. She closes on monday...20 years there. Bitter sweet moment and she called to share with me.
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Send Sunscreen, really???
So my ex husband who is HC sends me an email telling me to send sunscreen for our 11 year old because they are going out of town to a resort for a long weekend.
Wtf, dude buy your own sunscreen. What are you who burns easily and your pale wife planning on doing while at this resort....I think to myself but don't say.
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My baby turned 11 today!
BS is officially 11 today. We took him to a MLB game with his best buddy. We had amazing seats,sweated our butts off and our team won.
I am sdo proud of who he is becoming. He packs his own lunch for the days he has his summer program. He stays home alone a couple days a week. He does chores those days and takes care of the dog.
Tonight after the game he helped me clean house, he vacuumed upstairs and emptied the dishwasher because my parents are coming tomorrow .It makes me so proud that he is growing up to be self reliant.
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Wierd or sweet?
Do you think it is wierd or sweet that a man would give his son on his 18th birthday a card with an old key and a note saying, no matter where you are in your life, you will always have the key to my heart.
Note they are not very close.
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Contacts- how old should they be?
This is not about asking the NCP to pay for anything.
At what age should you allow a responsible child who plays sports to try Contacts?
Bs will be 11, is going to be going into 6th grade in the fall, has good hand hygiene and plays baseball. He wears glasses and would like to try contacts.
I do have to nag about showering at times. I was thinking about saying if he showered every night without my riding his butt, I would agree to contacts in the fall if his dad was okay with it.
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OT- cat question
I know we have some good cat mommas on here. Has anyone had a cat get crystals in the urine, recover and ever been able to go back to the non medicated food.
I only feed the fur babies high quality non grain and gmo food but kitty was eating almost only dry food and started in on the dogs. Hence the crystal issue.
She is now 100% better and only eats wet food. It is nasty stinky and she will not eat the medicated dry food. She likes her old dry and I would like to keep her primarily on a high quality wet food.
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Sick kid and stupid parents
Today BS10 called me right after I got to work to tell me he threw up. He has not gotten off to school so I tell him grab a bucket and lay on the couch. I had a couple things to do and then I would head home and would work the rest of the day from home. I am fortunate that the three managers I work for all have kids so they get it.
In non rush hour traffic my office is 15 to 20 minutes away. My ex moved across the metro and during non rush hour traffic and works about the same.
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Awesome brothers
My bs10's older brothers are 20 and almost 18. The oldest is away at college and the younger one has little to do with their dad. Bs has been feeling blue about missing his brothers. I was talking with their mom and she spoke with the very busy almost 18 yr old. He is going to Greece with his high school band next week.
He texted me that he wanted to do dinner with bs. I told him he will be excited but I am paying.
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Update on tooth
So our dentist was able to smooth out the chip, luckily the break was only in the enamel.
I did send ex an email updating him...no response back.
No surprise,he only responds to anything unless he feels like. He finally got back on some summer daycare information I needed but didn't answer all my pertnant questions regarding pick up.
He wanted more time, demanded more time. When given the chance to take more at his choosing...He didn't.
It is interesting the more I have given him what he wanted the less he wants it.
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