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Susiejames's Blog

Redirecting my hatred

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I have had an epiphany. I have been directing all my anger, hatred and hurt feeling towards the wrong person. Its not my SD's fault she's a pity seeking, lying bitch, who thinks she is the light of the world. She has had someone who allowed her, her whole life, to continue these god awful habits, so they must be apart of who she is now. Who? Her dumb-ass Dad. He's the one who allows her to cuss, scream, lye and harass me. I am married to a coward, who cannot stand up to a misbehaving little twit. A Balless coward.

1st time in 4 months

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I saw my husbands daughter for the 1st time in 4 months yesterday. I ran into her in the store, she said "Hello" I ignored her, did not respond to her at all. She followed me around in the store and even got in line at the cashier behind me, she would not shut up. I had to stop my shopping early just to get away from her. I had my Granddaughter with me.

Disengagement Rocks

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Two months ago, I disengaged and have not spoken or had any contact with my dh's daughter. The full effect of this disengagement arrangement took awhile to sink in. I think I had withdrawals for about 2 weeks. But now I feel relief, like a breath of fresh air, I no longer are on pins and needles about what is going to happen next. It is such a refreshing change, I should have done this 8 yrs ago when she turned 18 and moved out.

Drama Queen at it again.

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My bio-son is separated from his girlfriend. They have a 5 month old daughter together. My SS from Hell, is trying to stick her nose in it. She found out about the break-up on facebook. She private messaged the girlfriend and told her she needed to me careful cause my bio-son would try and get the baby and not let the baby's Mom see her again. There are only 2 reasons she would do that (1) scare Mom so she wouldn't let me keep the baby anymore. (2) She just had to get involved with the drama. She just needs to butt out. I hope Karma comes around soon.

She is trying to copy me

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I have a hobby I repurpose old stuff the rustier the better. I take old beds and make benches and doors and stuff. Well, my SD sent my DH a pic. yesterday of something I don't know what it was, but she posted along with it "My first attempt at repurposing, what do ya think?" The bitch is trying to copy my hobby, what the F. What is it with these SD's do they want to sleep with their Dad's or what? I don't get it, is she so jealous of me that she thinks the more like me she becomes the more attention she will get from her Dad? Shaking my head....