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She is trying to copy me

Susiejames's picture

I have a hobby I repurpose old stuff the rustier the better. I take old beds and make benches and doors and stuff. Well, my SD sent my DH a pic. yesterday of something I don't know what it was, but she posted along with it "My first attempt at repurposing, what do ya think?" The bitch is trying to copy my hobby, what the F. What is it with these SD's do they want to sleep with their Dad's or what? I don't get it, is she so jealous of me that she thinks the more like me she becomes the more attention she will get from her Dad? Shaking my head.... She is married and I am beginning to think she never gets laid.


Susiejames's picture

At one time I thought this would be a way for us to bond and help resolve our issues but I couldn't agree more, her behavior has made it impossible to even be in the same room with her. I know she is going to try and get on my good side before the holidays but I am going to stand firm, she is not coming over and I'm going to let her she what Thanksgiving and Christmas are like without coming over here. Until Dec. 26th I am not going to accept any apology from her. And then she is going to have to do it in front of her Dad.

Journey1982's picture

I'm confused. You're upset because she wants to repurpose things like you do? How does this equate to wanting to sleep with her daddy? Don't take it as an insult. You should be flattered.

Susiejames's picture

By becoming more like me maybe her dad would give her the attention she so much desires. She is not getting to cause drama with me anymore so "yes" I think she would do anything to get "some" attention, any attention, good or bad she doesn't care.