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Been to see SS

Storm76's picture

I managed to go see SS10 with OH last night - turns out SS wanted a cuddly toy from ours, so OH swung by & we went up together. I'd asked OH to ask SS10 & BM if they wanted me to visit, and they suggested that time as BM wanted a couple of hours to go home, shower, eat etc.

Anyway, SS10 seemed in a good mood, other than having a canula in his hand which meant he couldn't play on his DS or do anything with his left hand. I've been in meetings for most of the day (gone 4.30 now) and I've not heard an update on how he's doing, which is annoying as I'd asked OH this morning to let me know any news.

I also decided to make a gesture to BM, and on the way up bought her a bar of chocolate, which went down well.

I've had such a busy day at work, with no lunch break, that I'm almost dreading if he is still in hospital going up there again tonight - we didn't get home until 10pm, at which point we collapsed on the sofa & rang for pizza! Typical me huh? Yesterday I was worried about not getting to see him, tonight I'm worried about going to see him!


GiGi222's picture

I think if you don't want to go you shouldn't have to, unless OH wants you there.
You already showed up to see SS and I am sure you can call anytime, assuming his room has a phone. Does OH really want you to be there?

Kb3Hooah's picture

Storm, even if you aren't there AT the hospital, you are still playing a vital role in support. You are maintaining the household, you are there for moral support when your OH gets home, you are there to drop something by the hospital if that is required, you are keeping things running and running smoothly.

Most times, we don't have to show our support/love/concern in huge ways, it's the small subtle ways that often mean the most. Smile

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