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SS called me SM!

Storm76's picture

I went to pick SS10 up from school yesterday because I'd just picked up my new car & he's a bit of a petrol-head. As we were walking from the school gates to where I'd parked he was calling out goodbye's to his friends and says "I'm going in my stepmum's new car"

This is the first time I've heard him refer to me as his SM, and OH was all stoked and "you're his stepmum!" I don't know why, but it gave me a really fuzzy feeling that even though he calls me by my name to other's I'm stepmum rather than "dad's girlfriend"


Frustrated woman's picture

yes I am still referred to as my dads girlfriend, I do hope one day I can feel that feeling you felt to hear thats my stepmom. Although we were getting his haircut the other day and the lady said to my SS15 what do you want done and he told her and she said ok, as long as that is ok with MOM. I didnt correct her, I just said yes that is fine however he would like it. My SS15 just looked at me with a small grin. He never said anything else and neither did I. But it gave me a warm fuzzy feeling....

Thetis's picture

Dont you love those fuzzy moments!!! My sd, made a point in the summer of dragging me over to her swim instructor and introducing me as her Step mom. She was three at the time. It just made me feel soo happy and loved!

Storm76's picture

Thanks guys - sorry for the delay in responding, but was enjoying the long 4 day weekend in the UK!

"God never gives us more than we can cope with, I just wish he didn't have such faith in me!"

stepmom008's picture

Aw, that's cute! I love when those little unexpected things happen and they make you feel like you're on top of the world.

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".