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Found this article on 'Being a Good Dad Post-Divorce'

Storm76's picture

If you want to maximise your relationship with your kids, at the times when you see them, then only do the activities that they want to do. You have the rest of the week to do other things, so don’t drag them off to take part in your hobbies, or doing the weekly shopping. If you ask them what they would like to do, you can then spend all your available time focused on them.

Oh and this: •Do... put the needs of the kids first, second and third

:sick: Fails to mention that following this means you're never going to have another long term relationship unless she's a human doormat!

Full article is here


Pantera's picture


sm27's picture

If I had a giant eraser, I would erase the author of that article. Do what the kid wants all day, he must be out his damn mind!

Gia's picture

LMAO, what a clueless author. At the end, he should have added " DO stay single if you are going to follow this. Blum 3

herewegoagain's picture

Here's what's funny...Dr. Laura and others do believe that divorced parents should stay single until kids are 18 and devote themselves only to the kids. Then they turn 18 and you find someone to share your life with and the adult kids still expect you to devote all your free time that they want to spend with you! So then when do YOU move on? I guess never. Sigh.