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Getting angry at the TV

Storm76's picture

I'm sure it's nothing new, seeing awful depictions of step parents & getting annoyed, but yesterday I saw a real life one on a game show.

This guy was speaking to the host before starting the game & had a picture of his daughter, from when he was married - "She's everything to me, she's wonderful, she's the best thing in my life" he gushes. Then he turns to smile at someone in the audience, "who's that?" asks the host, "oh, my girlfriend".

I got so annoyed on that woman's behalf - she's been with him for 5 years, yet he told the nation that his daughter is more important to him than her! Still, he won £24000, so I'm guessing she'll be sticking around for a share of that!


Kb3Hooah's picture


“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.”

soverysad's picture

I must be the luckiest second wife in the world. My dh always puts me first. He loves his kid, but recognizes that I am forever.

"A pessimist complains about the wind, an optimist counts on the wind changing, a realist adjusts his sails"

vgill's picture

My dh loves me and knows that we are forever. He also loves his kids and is starting to realize that they are brats, he is really working on his disciplineing techniques, and is now really disciplining his skids(whom he also loves , and they love him) I mentioned to him one day "you know you are harder on the my bkids than you are on your own bkids" he said" I don't want them to turn out as bad as my kids" I don't need to be the evil step mother, they are not my kids so I am no longer any kind of mother to them!