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overcoming it ALL

StepsunkMom's picture

Smile hello all,
Its been awhile.So lets DH and I are officially married.We now have 3 beautiful daughters together.Since my last blog was about my skids bio mom acting to nice..indeed there was deceit behind that.I guess her bf tried to kill her, showed the skids a hand gin, ect...Dad got a restraining order on the loser to protect his kids.Things just continued to get complicated. DH did altho come to his senses about sds inappropriate and minipulative behavior. She is now living with her mother and getting counciling to help her to deal with her behavior and feelings.FINALLY.SS is doing great, my bio son and him are best of friends now.The lord has truly helped us all.So basically Im just bothered by one aspect is the situation with my sd..shes been seeing a councilor. Which is a good things.But I just pray they can help her to tap into all the mental abuse shes been put threw by her bio mom.The lady is truly sick.I wished somone would lock her up and throw away the key.How do I reconnect with sd now shes getting the help she needs. AND should my dh and I allow her back in our home now or after her behavior changes. Sd is now 14 and has helped her bio mom put my family threw more hell then what's speak able.