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On the edge of it All..

StepsunkMom's picture


Ok guys here to up date a bit..After dealing with skids for 2 years.Durring my pregnancy also..was hell.Im seriously fed up.I love my so very very much.He is a great man.funny,kind,very loving.But he can also be very blind,lazy,and rude.Jst about 2 months back i left so..could not take the bull shit that came with skids.Their bm hates me and now pretends to be kind..that my baby daughter is in the picture.The skids are fake and act a sly like.I swear they do screwed up shit..he does not even notice.And they know i know...but dont care.Im tired of having to peel the bullshit of my so's eyes so he can c wtf is really going on here.He pays that sorry bm 400 a month child support and 400 child care to provider.and also buys EVERYTHING in between for his kids.

Recently things have been really looking up.I speak my mind and dont care who gets in trouble.ill call his kids out when they are rude or disrespectfull.Since he doesnt say a damn thing about it....and they listen,How the fuck did i become the parent.LAZY....Guilty daddy

Sd 10 soon to be a snake.Tue and thur..skids have an early morning class help them with math.8am.I had an apt for my bio daughter 9 month..who has been sick.Apt get skids to school..come home get ready.Go to apt.7 am sd decided..they dont have 8am body tell me so i cant get me and bio d ready..I have to take skids and go to doc apt all grunged out..ahhh sooo pissed.Little witch..if she were my bio dau..Why could my so jst tell her lil ass to bad you need to go..I personally phoned the school..The classes were still in at 8am.Sd is jst to lazy to go..and selfish to care knowing well we had apt...Nothing was said to her about her stupid minipulative act.Not a damn thing.....

All fn week last week this is how it was.So blind 2 it all.Sd lies all week about stupid shit.Keep a toy from my baby..lied about it.Found it in her room.lied anout spilling brand new bottle of hair conditioner in her bathroom..blamed her brother..both times blamed her brother. So sick of this..i seriously am starting to hate this little girl.her and her bm are pathetic.Went to her bm after x mas came back..thinking she was hot shit in her new cloths her mom got her..after not buying her cloths literly in over 2 years..not so hot when she had not showered in kind of perenting is that..What female i dont care what age doesnt shower..ugh.Gross.And thats my daughters older sister..God please..I cant take it anymore.

S.O really needs to shape up and disapline.or im out..jst telling a child right from wrong good step.But not eniouf.His kids are old eniouf to; take things they like away,..Be sent to their rooms..ect..The telling them "no" or dont do that shit..isnt cutting it.They know not to do it.

Abviously a i said things are improving..but will they always have to be improving..shit.Im seriously..nOtHapPY..Always stressed.Someone tell me there is a huge light at the end of this tunnel.and that "when i feel like giving up"..dont Because something good is about to happen!!