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Heavy Heart... Any suggestions?

stepmom23WV's picture

I have such a heavy heart tonight...after court going fairly well this week the skids come this weekend and tell us that BM and her family got rid of all the proof of her locking them in their room and told them to lie to CPS and the GAL. My DH tried to explain to them that it is unsafe for them to be locked in a room if there was an emergency among other reasons...I really hope he got through to them. Not only is BM bad mouthing us to the kids but to anyone else who will listen and we live in a VERY small town (I'm sure everyone knows how gossip moves around a small town) The thing is I have tried to be the bigger person and not say anything to people when they ask about it just that "Yes they are going back to court" or "Its complicated, I don't know if everyone will ever all get along". It is just so disheartening to have everyone think you are a terrible person when you are the ones actually trying to do the right thing for the children and give them a good life. I am having a hard time not stooping to BMs level and just telling everyone who will listen what a shitty mom she really is. I am wondering if anyone has any good ideas on what to say to people who are wanting to be nosey or that are asking things just so they can run back to BM and tell her what we said to let them know that the real problem is BM without out right bad mouthing her to the whole town?


lawyergirl06's picture

Take heart. CPS has great interviewing techniques and can often tell when kids have been coaches to lie