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stepmom23WV's Blog

Heavy Heart... Any suggestions?

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I have such a heavy heart tonight...after court going fairly well this week the skids come this weekend and tell us that BM and her family got rid of all the proof of her locking them in their room and told them to lie to CPS and the GAL. My DH tried to explain to them that it is unsafe for them to be locked in a room if there was an emergency among other reasons...I really hope he got through to them.

Small Victories!

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So we had our first court date. BM got more money (exactly what she wanted) but hopefully not for long! She wanted to change the visitation plan but the judge sided with HDs lawyer that it was not a good idea since there may be another change in visitation later and with all the things we had on BM it may not be a good environment for the kids to spend more time in. HDs lawyer told the judge about BM locking the kids in their room and the judge sent CPS to her house (Oh how I wish I could be there when they show up!).


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So HDs work got a letter today from BMs lawyer saying that he had subpoenaed all of his check stubs for the past year, how his pay is calculated (he is payed commissions), his W2 (which we already sent her) and a whole bunch of other stuff. Of course our lawyer was out and so was our case worker (they are never there when we need them and don't call us back). I am so tired of the constant BS from BM. I'm frustrated with never being able to talk to the lawyer when we need to. I can't wait until our hearing next week to be over!!

Hypochondriac BM

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As I have put in my other posts, BM and her mother are both hypochondriacs and keep trying to convince the skids that they have some terrible disease. Most recently that SS6 has type 1 diabetes. She has had them to multiple specialists who have found nothing to suggest this is true but she just keeps taking him back. She takes his sugar up to 10-15 times a day.


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As I sit here while my DH is arguing yet again with BM because the children are still out with their grandma, I keep thinking about all of the crap that BM keeps putting us and the children through. Its bad enough that SD8 is not doing well in school, hates to go to school and makes up reasons to stay home from school, now BM is letting them stay out all night so that they are tired for school tomorrow. I just wish she would realize that the things she does are detrimental to the children's well-being.