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It's not over to the fat BM sings!

tryingtokeepthesanity's picture

DH and BM had a meeting with the GAL last week. It finally went DH way. I don't know what changed the GAL mind but she finally got on BM case and DH was flabergasted!

They came to deal with the custody suit she filed last year. DH gets the younger 2 boys and she gets the older one. She is financally responsibe for hers and DH is for the his. They split medical/dental/vision 50/50 on all 3. Now that she doesn't have Medicaid on all 3 I don't think she will be taking them to the doctor to fish for a dx that is wrong with them. BM is so stupid she didn't take advantage of free health care when she had it. She now has to split SS11 orthodontia bill instead of having it for free. haha for thinking she was getting CS and instead the dumb ass is paying $100 a month. The order is for a little less than $200 and she whined to the GAL that she couldn't afford it. The GAL didnt want to hear of it and stated that he had 2 mouths to feed compared to her one.

She filed and ends up owing support. Its not much but its better than chasing her for money for their activies. SS15 will eat her out of house and home and plays every sport imaginable. We have a district that pays to play so her paying is going to be funny. SS11 when he lived with her she used the excuse that he was too small. She was just to lazy and didn't want to spend money on him for activities until AFTER she filed for custody for the 2 my DH had living with him.

BM has been entertaining...I am not counting on it being over under the fat BM sings...she is so dumb she might even refuse to sign this one...this is plan number 2...she is that dillusional in thinking that she is a good mom. SS11 said it best when he said that "do you think Mom's lies are going to come out in court" nice to know an 11 year old know between right and wrong the the egg donor couldn't find the truth even if it smacked her in her round fat face!!


Rosedeer1's picture

I love you I feel the same way you do. Our BM also filed and 3 years of shit and now we have custody and she sees her son 5 days out of the month. She has to pay us 300 a month for CS and I love it. I am not sure how she is living on what she makes nor do I care, she could live off of her income but going out and going to the races all the time are more important than bills. I have to see her at SS soccer games and I hate it, I always try to remember that she hates me more but it is hard to be a stepmom when you do all the things a mom should be doing.

southernshellgirl's picture

Thank you for sharing, I love to hear when justice is served in the best interest of the kids. Oh, and hearing a pain in the a** BM get what's coming to her is just the icing on the cake!

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and I---
I took the one less traveled by,
and that made all the difference. -Robert Frost-

tryingtokeepthesanity's picture

SS11 feel bad for "leaving her for DH". BM is pathetic excuse for a human being. I never that she would ever stop leaving the kids alone...None of the boys will say anything to her. It's so sad about the entire situation and dealing with her for another 7 years is going to just make me sick!