StepMadre's Blog
The Secret Is Wine
And lots of it! I just discovered how to get through a PIL visit, effortlessly and painlessly: stay sloshed on wine at all times. My MIL is a wine fan, so I got a huge bottle and was Mrs. Drunky McSlosherson all weekend. It made everything so much better! I just smiled a bunch and clutched my giant wine goblet to my chest at all times. I'm not much of a drinker and usually prefer to be alert in social/family situations, but this weekend I wanted to keep a pleasant
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OT: Nephew stuff
This is totally random and unrelated to the usual, but just got the results of nephews school evaluation and I'm so proud of him! For mechanical dexterity he scored at the level of a second grader! He's in pre-school! They also said he's a total sweetheart and very popular and well liked by everyone. He scored off the charts in all categories and they think he's going to be really good at math because his grasp of numbers is so good. He's already reading (SS5 is two years older and can only read two words, his name and "red.") and draws extremely creative and complex drawings.
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OT Again: More numerology, freakily accurate
Sorry everybody, I have been a blog hog all day because I am home sick and can only watch Bridget Jones's Diary so many times (Hugh Grant is way better than TheraFlu)
Anyhoo, for fun I went to this site and got these results:
They are so accurate that it scares me! Long and probably not that interesting to anyone but me, but I thought i'd post it anyway.
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OT: My numerology stuff (thanks BBB for the site tip!)
Kay, here are my results from the Numerology and Birthday stuff. This stuff is freakily accurate and I tested it with a fake name, twice (i'm not suspicious at all, eh?). The words that came up actually have huge personal meaning for me in some way or another. Cool beans!
Aw, I can't believe I am posting this after this year...
but my skids just woke up and they are being really cute. My mom is staying with us and they get up early and she's in the living room and they are trying really hard to be quiet and not wake her up. They're like different kids from a year ago!!!
Bleep will hit the fan..
So, my skids, who have been behaving beautifully recently, have told us over and over again in the past few weeks that they don't want to live with their mom anymore and want to live with us and just visit their mom a little bit. I feel mixed about this, but I think it would definitely be better for them if we flipped the custody and had residential custody instead of BM. We still get them 50/50 but they have been saying that they wish they could sleep over at our place every night. It's really sad when they beg us and don't understand why we can't make it happen immediately.
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When BMs Attack! (In response to Chaotic)
Chaotic posted her horrifying experience and made me think about BMs and their tendencies towards physical violence. My experiences have been way, way, way less scary, but I thought I would post my experience and would love to see what you all have experienced in a similar vein.
As awful as Chaotics experience was, it put my own experiences with the BM way into perspective because I have never had to deal with something that bad. I think that woman should be locked up in a mental ward or jail.
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Good news! H talked to BM about a different schedule that allows me some skid-free days and she agreed!!!! Yay!!!! I'm so happy and relieved and very pleased with H. He told her that our schedule had changed and that we couldn't have the skids on certain days, but in order to keep the same amount of time with them, we extended our custody time to 8:00pm on the days that we do have them. It's exactly what I wanted!
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On a non-skid topic,
what do you all do to let your hubby know that you are not in "the mood?"
I wear old man pajamas to bed with a Golden Girls-esque robe that would have made Bea Arthur green with envy. It's giant, shapeless and has little pink embroidered flowers.
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Funny Article
Found it while surfing around. (also found hilarious site, called FirstWives.somethingorother It's totally ridiculous and perpetuates the stereotypes that all men are cheating bastards, all step-moms are cheap little floozies/babysitters and Bio-moms are saints (I guess step-dads don't exist) )
Anyway, here's the link for the article, check it out:
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