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Snarky's Blog

My evil mind tricks are working!

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So I dragged my tired cranky butt to the mailbox today, up the hill and through the rain *heh*, thinking about all the tedious things that must be done today, when I open the mailbox and find a strange envelope. It's addressed to Mr. and Mrs. Snarky, written in a child's handwriting, from SD's elementary school. Already forgetting my woes, I open the letter to find this:

Does BM guilt SK's out of doing things at DH's house?

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For the last four years, DH has had the kids EOW and for three hours on Tuesday. Because of the limited time he has with them, we try to find fun activities we can afford to do. Both of us feel these kids need extracurricular activities to #1 take their mind off of BM's perpetually horrible attitude towards DH and myself, and #2 to allow them to grow by networking with other kids. So, of course, the kids would go back to their mom and tell her about all the fun they were having over here. They were met with anger, hostility and guilt.

"Drag Me To Hell' ....yep, I'm already there!

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Okay, DH and I watched 'Drag Me to Hell' lastnite and let me just say that the crazy b*tch in this movie with the nasty teeth, funky eyeball and gnarly fingernails reminded me quite a bit of psycho BM. Why you ask? Well I'll tell you. The old lady kept popping up everywhere to torture this woman who made a sound decision based on the actions of this psychotic nut job who was playing the victim instead of trying to solve the issues at hand. When she wasn't given any more leeway, she turned into a raging lunatic, and blamed this girl instead of realizing it was her own fault....just like BM!

Are SK's voices heard in court?

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SD 8 and SD 10 requests to have more time with DH over the past year has intensified. We are constantly hearing from SK's that BM yells a lot, the drive from across town to their school is too long, and the friend's house they are staying at smells like cat pee. Per our conversations, both SD's say they talked to BM about getting more visitation every week with their dad. Varied responses come from this person, who I fear has unmanaged bipolar disorder. She tells DH and the kids that she will agree to letting the kids stay over an extra night, then that night comes she'll recant.

Incredibly pissed off!

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So much for my new years resolution not to let psycho-Bit*h upset me, but what she did lastnite was completely uncalled for. It started with SD 7 asking DH if she could stay with us until BM gets a new place. We're like, ok, what's going on? She opens up to tell us that she is stressed out because of her living situation. Background: BM got evicted (again) and ended up moving across town to a friends house, this friend has two kids who are, per SD's, mean and nasty.

First Day of the New Year and BM is already at it (long, vent)

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First day of the new year and she's already at it. DH got a text from BM telling him she is out of gas, can't afford to get any, and so he MUST meet her FORTY FIVE minutes away (why she can't get off her fat a$$ and get a job to support her heffer-like self and the children is beyond me!).

Two Year Anniversary with DH

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DH and I have been together for four years and married for two; and, aside from psycho and SD 13, things have been wonderful! Being a step-parent sucks sometimes, and it is so hard for me to concentrate on the positive and let the negative stuff slide off my back. But when good things happen, it gives me a feeling of hope that things will only get better (delusional as I am). For instance; sd 10 wrote me a note on my and DH anniversary and left me two roses by my bedroom door. The note says:

UPDATE: Thievery and Stepkids

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This morning, after a week with their BM, SD 10 and SD 7 came for their weekend visit. SD10, the one caught trying to sneak stuff out of our house, is grounded from TV, computer, or video games until tomorrow (we only have them until Monday morning, which is the first day of school). She accepted her punishment and took it like a champ; thinking that was the end of it. WELL, we were all out in the garage doing odds and ends when the SD's look up and see a police car park in front of our house. "Why are the police here?" says SD 7, SD 10 looses all color in her face at this point.

Oh HELL no!

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SD 10 and SD 7 are coming over Friday evening to spend the allotted weekend with us. DH usually picks them up after six, due to work. I announce to him that tomorrow evening, I will be going out for 'Happy Hour' with the girls. His face goes pale, I can see his panties getting into a twist right then and there because 'happy hour' will conflict with the SD's arrival.

Thievery and stepkids

Snarky's picture

My middle SD was getting ready to leave today and I noticed she had a pretty full tote bag. Fortunately it does not close all of the way, so I was able to see a strange object in her bag. I said "what's this?" and pulled out a straightening iron that belongs to THIS house. So I proceeded to dump the contents and found some nail polish as well. DH asked her why she was taking these items without asking permission. She said "because I know you guys would say no". Um YA, ya think!!!
