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Question: What are your thoughts on whipping your step children?? I am a birth mother and a step mother. I have never spanked any of my step children, ever. I have 5 of them, I am here with them alot alone, as my husband is a police officer and works crazy shifts,which leaves me here to take care of them. I don't believe it is right to spank someone else's child.. unless given permission by both bio parents. I recently found out that my bio children have been getting spanked by their step mother.. and this past weekend with skids, they told us that their step dad has been whipping them.

birthday season

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If you have read any of my blogs, you know that we have 7 children between the both of us, 5 of them are my step kids. anyway.. April and May have been named birthday season here because 4 of them have birthdays days apart, starting today. then May 3rd, then may 7, and may 24th. my questions are:
1. would it be a good idea to just have DH take each kid out by themselves to like eat or a movie or something?? because since there are so many of us, its sooo expensive to take them all out as a family.

Hurt Feelings...

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Sad so last night when DH was talking to his kids on the phone, SS6 and SS10 wanted him to put it on speaker phone, when he did, they made it a point to tell me they didn't like me. now I know that BM2 is most likely behind that because when they are here, they love me.. and I am nothing BUT good to those kids. SD4 told them it wasn't very nice and they said they didn't care. Now, how do I act when they come back??

TAX Help BM does NOT work

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My dh has a court order saying that he is to claim his 3 children with BM2 but he must split the money with her, if there is a refund.. well she got married 2 years ago, and this (2011) is the 2nd year that she has refused to let him claim the kids on his tax return, instead she lets her new husband claim them, now mind you, she does NOT work!! not at all. My dh pays over 800 dollars a month in child support to her for his kids.

SD4 bath w SM?

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My SD4 wants to take baths with me, I have always let her, I have been in her life since she was about 18 months old. BM2 (that alwaysssss has problems with everything we do-refer to crazy ex wife post) sent me one of her Monday Morning emails saying that I had better never take a bath with her again. I personally don't see any harm in it, we are same sex, and she is only 4. My DH doesn't have a problem with it, and he is her BD. SD4 WANTS to bath with me, its not like I make her or anything. Is this really an issue or just another ploy at degrading us as parents while HER kids are here.