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Smellissa's Blog

Conflict Resolution

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I'm not sure if anyone remembers how things were in my house, just a year ago. SD12 was here only when there was no school the next day, but almost every time there was no school the next day. When she was here, her dad would take her to work with him, most of the time, because we clashed so violently.

SD getting bullied, her VP is a bitch, and I'm home schoolingher

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About a month ago, Sd12 called me from the school bathroom, SOBBING! She said "You have to home-school me! Kids are picking on me, and talking about me behind my back!" Sd refused to tell me what the kids were saying (said she didn't know), but she was very upset.

I try not to be dramatic with the SDs. I try to force them to act for themselves, before acting for them. So, I was calm, when I told SD12 that I thought she should try to talk to the kids, and find out what they were saying, and if that didn't work, she needed to tell the teacher or the principal.

Dr Phil today

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Is about a 15 year old boy, who supposedly killed his step-brother.. Then, the step-father stepped forward to say he did it. Now, the 15 year old SB (now 17) is on Dr Phil.

Anyone else watching this?

Shark week blues

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I've never had a regular period, until both SDs moved in with me. Something about their hormones regulating my hormones, I guess.

Anyway, that means when I was a teenager, I didn't go through the pain and emotions on a regular basis. Twice a year, I'd suffer a little, and then it was over for another six months.

All of the sudden, I am dealing with the hormones and the pain - but the pain is in my ass and is called SD14! She's spent two days crying over everything

Update to I need help/advice - from zero to hero, overnight!

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A few hours ago, I posted this blog :

So, SD's came home, and SD12 waited for SD14 to go to the bathroom, before she gave me a very tear-filled "I'm sorry." about last night. That is usually the way it goes, after she is defiant. She really wants to be a good kid!

I really need help/advice

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Well, I'm asking you guys to critique me on my parenting abilities - especially the skills I used last night. This is VERY hard for me, so I just want to ask everyone to be gentle, okay? I realize that I didn't do everything right, but I think I need someone else to point out where I am going wrong, so...

Some background : SD12 was assigned an ABC book either last week or the week before. Basically, she had to go online and find a word from Ancient Egypt for every letter of the alphabet. Then, she had to write three facts about that word, draw a picture and color it.

suck it, BM

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Last night, around 1 am, I got a call from.SDs sister. " Mel, I'm at the hospital. Contractions are six minutes apart. The baby's heartbeat keeps dropping. They're admitting me."

BM does not know. She will not find out, until the baby is safely at home, and out of her reach.

Later today, depending when the baby is born, the SDs and I will be going to the hospital, to meet their niece. If it does not happen today, it will happen tomorrow, after school.

Feeling like a hundred bucks

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I posted t wo days ago about my high maintenance step daughters. In the comments, I spoke a little about their father, who has become pretty useless in the last little bit.

What I didn't tell you guys about is all the other stress I've dealt with.

Two weeks ago, my hot water tank broke. For a week, I dealt with having no hot water (heating water on the stove for me and SDs to bathe and clean dishes) before I slipped and my family found out. It took my sister an hour to get my BIG over to my house with parts to fix it. Then BIL found out it wasn't fixable.

oh, the dramatics!

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I have never met any other two people in my life who are so dramatic! Is it because my SDs are teenage girls? Is it because because they've been physically and emotionally abused?

I try to be understanding. I really do. I love these girls, and I want to provide them with everything they need, including an understanding ear.

But sometimes, it's just too much. I've sat through two therapy sessions, already this week. There is another scheduled in an hour. While I'm there, i need to pick up an extra one next week, for.SD12.

Cry for help, or trying to hold me emotional hostage?

Smellissa's picture

A few days ago, SD14 got into an argument with her BM. I believed SD misunderstood what her BM said. Anyway, SD has been walking around since Tuesday, saying how she wants to die.

This morning, SD said she wanted to skip her meds ( for bronchitis), before school. At lunch, she texted me, and I told her it was bothering me, that she keeps making these comments. SD said she does want to die, and she has a plan.
